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[英]Entity Framework Extensions Recursive Query

There is a hierarchical query support in a popular EF extensions library: https://entityframework-extensions.net/to-self-hierarchy-list .流行的 EF 扩展库中提供分层查询支持: https://entityframework-extensions.net/to-self-hierarchy-list

I'm curious how does it work under the hood?我很好奇它在引擎盖下是如何工作的? Is it getting handled by SQL server, meaning that the query is translated to CTE (common table expression)?它是否由 SQL 服务器处理,这意味着查询被转换为 CTE(公用表表达式)?

Disclaimer : I'm the owner of Entity Framework Extensions免责声明:我是实体框架扩展的所有者

You got it right, we indeed use a CTE in the generated SQL.你没看错,我们确实在生成的 SQL 中使用了 CTE。

Here is how looks the SQL template:这是 SQL 模板的外观:

    SelfHierarchyQueryOuter AS (@(sqlMaster)),
    SelfHierarchyQueryInner AS (@(sqlHierarchy)),
    SelfHierarchyQuery AS (SELECT A.*, 0 AS ZZZ_Recursion FROM (SELECT * FROM SelfHierarchyQueryOuter) AS A 
                                    UNION ALL
                                    SELECT B.*, ZZZ_Recursion + 1 AS ZZZ_Recursion FROM  (SELECT * FROM SelfHierarchyQueryInner) AS B
                                    INNER JOIN SelfHierarchyQuery AS C ON @(keyJoins) 
                                    WHERE ZZZ_Recursion < @(maxRecursion)

FROM    SelfHierarchyQuery

So a query like this one:所以像这样的查询:

var list2 = context.EntitySimples.ToSelfHierarchyList(x => x.Parent, options => options.MaxRecursion = 5);

Will generate the following SQL:会生成如下SQL:

    SelfHierarchyQueryOuter AS (SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT  
    [Extent1].[ID] AS [ID], 
    [Extent1].[ColumnInt1] AS [ColumnInt1], 
    [Extent1].[ColumnInt2] AS [ColumnInt2], 
    [Extent1].[Parent_ID] AS [Parent_ID]
    FROM [dbo].[EntitySimple] AS [Extent1]),
    SelfHierarchyQueryInner AS (SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT  
    [Extent1].[ID] AS [ID], 
    [Extent1].[ColumnInt1] AS [ColumnInt1], 
    [Extent1].[ColumnInt2] AS [ColumnInt2], 
    [Extent1].[Parent_ID] AS [Parent_ID]
    FROM [dbo].[EntitySimple] AS [Extent1]),
    SelfHierarchyQuery AS (SELECT A.*, 0 AS ZZZ_Recursion FROM (SELECT * FROM SelfHierarchyQueryOuter) AS A 
                                    UNION ALL
                                    SELECT B.*, ZZZ_Recursion + 1 AS ZZZ_Recursion FROM  (SELECT * FROM SelfHierarchyQueryInner) AS B
                                    INNER JOIN SelfHierarchyQuery AS C ON C.[Parent_ID] = B.[ID] 
                                    WHERE ZZZ_Recursion < 5

FROM    SelfHierarchyQuery

Nothing "special" here, just using one great feature of the CTE to make it works.这里没有什么“特别的”,只是使用 CTE 的一项重要功能来使其工作。

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