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Flutter 和 Firestore:如何从添加 function 中获取文档 ID?

[英]Flutter and Firestore: How can I get the document Id from the add function?

I added a document to Firestore.我向 Firestore 添加了一个文档。 How can I get the document Id of my added document?如何获取我添加的文档的文档 ID? I want to save it to a variable.我想将它保存到一个变量中。

Btw.顺便提一句。 I'm using this for a web app if this Is important.如果这很重要,我将其用于 web 应用程序。

    'name': _name,
    'points': 0,

Do this做这个

User user = FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser;

    'id': user.uid,
    'name': _name,
    'points': 0,

Calling CollectionReference.add returns a Future<DocumentReference> , so you can get the ID from that:调用CollectionReference.add返回一个Future<DocumentReference> ,因此您可以从中获取 ID:

var newDocRef = await FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection('room').add({
    'name': _name,
    'points': 0,
var newDocId = newDocRef.id

If you want to store the ID inside the document, it's better to first create the DocumentReference by calling CollectionReference.doc() without paramters:如果要将 ID 存储在文档中,最好先通过调用CollectionReference.doc()不带参数来创建DocumentReference

var newDocRef = FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection('room').doc();
var newDocId = newDocRef.id
    'id': newDocId,
    'name': _name,
    'points': 0,

Add .then method at the end.最后添加.then方法。

Do what ever you need with docRef.使用 docRef 做任何你需要的事情。

    'name': _name,
    'points': 0,
}).then(function(docRef) {
    console.log("Document written with ID: ", docRef.id);

The add method on CollectionReference returns a Future<DocumentReference> . CollectionReference上的add方法返回Future<DocumentReference> [ Documentation ] [ 文档]

Future<DocumentReference> add(Map<String, dynamic> data) async {
  final DocumentReference newDocument = doc();
  await newDocument.set(data);
  return newDocument;

So, try this:所以,试试这个:

    'name': _name,
    'points': 0,
  .then((docRef) => print(docRef.id));

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