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如何防止 Visual Studio Code Flutter/Dart Editor 格式化新行/换行代码?

[英]How to prevent Visual Studio Code Flutter/Dart Editor from formatting new line/wrapping code?

I recently started working on Flutter/Dart, I like the flutter autoformatting on-save, but one thing might or might not be related is the code wrapping for long code even if code is still fitting my 4k editor window.我最近开始研究 Flutter/Dart,我喜欢 flutter 在保存时自动格式化,但有一件事可能或可能不相关是长代码的代码包装,即使代码仍然适合我的 4k 编辑器 window。

Is there a way to prevent new line but keep the comma auto format?有没有办法防止换行但保持逗号自动格式?




Follow the instructions below:请按照以下说明进行操作:

  1. Open Settings .打开Settings
  2. Expand Extensions and click Dart & Flutter on the left.展开Extensions并单击左侧的Dart & Flutter
  3. Find Dart: Line Length .查找Dart: Line Length
  4. Change it to the value you want.将其更改为您想要的值。


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