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通过 pulumi 创建 Fastly 服务时,Fastly 400 错误“exceeding_max_backends”

[英]Fastly 400 error “exceeding_max_backends” when creating Fastly Service through pulumi

I sometimes get a 400 error when creating my Fastly Service through pulumi.通过 pulumi 创建我的 Fastly Service 时,有时会收到 400 错误。 The error message is below.错误消息如下。

error: 1 error occurred:
    * updating urn:my:cdn: 400 - Bad Request:

    Title:  Bad request
    Detail: Exceeding max_backends: 5

I've had more than 5 backends in other Fastly services, and if I retry the deployment the 400 error goes away.我在其他 Fastly 服务中有超过 5 个后端,如果我重试部署,400 错误就会消失。 Has anyone else encountered this error?有没有其他人遇到过这个错误?

I found out I have to raise the limits on our fastly account https://docs.fastly.com/en/guides/resource-limits我发现我必须提高我们快速帐户https://docs.fastly.com/en/guides/resource-limits的限制

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