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将 wchar_t 转换为 wstring

[英]Converting wchar_t to wstring

I always convert wchar_t* to wstring with std::wstring x(y)我总是使用std::wstring x(y)wchar_t*转换为wstring

But it is not working in this code:但它不适用于此代码:

        wchar_t f = ctoupper(*cp);
        std::wstring cc(f); 

cp is a wchar_t* cpwchar_t*

Error in the std::wstring cc(f) line: std::wstring cc(f)行中的错误:

E0289   no instance of constructor "std::basic_string<_Elem, _Traits, _Alloc>::basic_string [with _Elem=wchar_t, _Traits=std::char_traits<wchar_t>, _Alloc=std::allocator<wchar_t>]" matches the argument list  

Whats wrong?怎么了?

There is no wstring constructor for a single wchar_t value.单个wchar_t值没有wstring构造函数。 You can achieve your intent with the following:您可以通过以下方式实现您的意图:

    std::wstring cc(1,f);   

You can also directly construct a wstring out of a c-style null-terminated wchar_t array:您还可以直接从 c 样式的以 null 结尾的wchar_t数组构造wstring

    std::wstring cc(1,f);   // wstring made with a wchar_t f repeated 1 time
    std::wstring cg(cp);    // wstring made with a wchart_t null terminated array

By the way, you can convert the full wstring to upper with:顺便说一句,您可以使用以下命令将完整的 wstring 转换为大写:

    for (auto&x:cg) x=towupper(x);

( Online demo ) 在线演示

Alternatively you may prefer toupper(x,std::locale()) toa take into account conversion rules for non ascii characters in your current locale.或者,您可能更喜欢toupper(x,std::locale())考虑到当前语言环境中非 ascii 字符的转换规则。

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