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如何通过在 android 中显示 android 来获取屏幕截图

[英]How to get a screenshot via display android in android

I need to get a screenshot of when the application is minimized我需要获取应用程序最小化时间的屏幕截图

This code a grab screenshot from rootView of application activity:这段代码是来自应用活动的rootView的抓取屏幕截图:

View v1 = getWindow().getDecorView().getRootView();
Bitmap original = Bitmap.createBitmap(v1.getDrawingCache());

How to get a screenshot from the display, and not from the activity view?如何从显示器而不是从活动视图中获取屏幕截图?

there is an API dedicated for screenshots/recordings called MediaProjection, some doc in HERE有一个 API 专门用于称为 MediaProjection 的屏幕截图/录音, 这里有一些文档

sample projects in HERE and HERE HEREHERE中的示例项目

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