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GraphQL 模式拼接选择集中是否禁止使用列表类型的字段?

[英]Are fields with list types forbidden in GraphQL schema stitching selection sets?

I have an array of entities that look like this:我有一组看起来像这样的实体:

const aEntities = [
        id: 1,
        name: 'Test',
        oneToManyRelation: [
                id: 2
                id: 3
        oneToOneRelation: {
            id: 1

The entities are represented by the type AType .实体由类型AType表示。 I want to make an extension of this type in a separate subschema and prove that it is possible to add fields that derive their values from the contents of oneToOneRelation and oneToManyRelation respectively.我想在一个单独的子模式中扩展这种类型,并证明可以添加分别从oneToOneRelationoneToManyRelation的内容派生其值的字段。

The following schema, implementing a derived field based on oneToOneRelation , works fine:以下架构,实现基于oneToOneRelation的派生字段,工作正常:

const aSchema = makeExecutableSchema({
    resolvers: {
        Query: {
            aEntities: () => aEntities
    schemaTransforms: [stitchingDirectivesValidator],
    typeDefs: gql`

        type AType {
            id: ID!
            name: String!
            oneToOneRelation: AEmbeddedType!

        type AEmbeddedType {
            id: ID!

        type Query {
            aEntities: [AType!]!

const bSchema = makeExecutableSchema({
    resolvers: {
        AType: {
            oneToOneId: ({ oneToOneRelation }) => oneToOneRelation.id
        Query: {
            aEntities_fromBSchema: (_, { keys }) => keys,
    schemaTransforms: [stitchingDirectivesValidator],
    typeDefs: gql`

        type AType @key(selectionSet: "{ oneToOneRelation { id } }") {
            oneToOneId: String!

        scalar Key

        type Query {
            aEntities_fromBSchema(keys: [Key!]!): [AType!]! @merge

const schema = stitchSchemas({
    subschemaConfigTransforms: [stitchingDirectivesTransformer],
    subschemas: [
            schema: aSchema
            schema: bSchema,

But once I add oneToManyRelation { id } to the selectionSet i run into problems:但是一旦我将oneToManyRelation { id }添加到 selectionSet 中,我就会遇到问题:

const aSchema = makeExecutableSchema({
    resolvers: {
        Query: {
            aEntities: () => aEntities
    schemaTransforms: [stitchingDirectivesValidator],
    typeDefs: gql`

        type AType {
            id: ID!
            name: String!
            oneToManyRelation: [AEmbeddedType!]!
            oneToOneRelation: AEmbeddedType!

        type AEmbeddedType {
            id: ID!

        type Query {
            aEntities: [AType!]!

const bSchema = makeExecutableSchema({
    resolvers: {
        AType: {
            oneToManyIds: ({ oneToManyRelation }) => oneToManyRelation.map(({ id }) => id),
            oneToOneId: ({ oneToOneRelation }) => oneToOneRelation.id
        Query: {
            aEntities_fromBSchema: (_, { keys }) => keys,
    schemaTransforms: [stitchingDirectivesValidator],
    typeDefs: gql`

        type AType @key(selectionSet: "{ oneToOneRelation { id }, oneToManyRelation { id } }") {
            oneToOneId: String!
            oneToManyIds: [String!]!

        scalar Key

        type Query {
            aEntities_fromBSchema(keys: [Key!]!): [AType!]! @merge

I get the following error:我收到以下错误:

oneToManyRelation.map is not a function

And when I log the keys parameter in the aEntities_fromBSchema resolver it seems that oneToManyRelation haven't been resolved to be an array at all, but rather an (empty) object:当我在aEntities_fromBSchema解析器中记录 keys 参数时,似乎oneToManyRelation根本没有被解析为一个数组,而是一个(空)object:

    oneToOneRelation: [Object: null prototype] { id: '1' },
    oneToManyRelation: [Object: null prototype] { id: undefined },
    __typename: 'AType'

Is referencing list types in key selection sets simply forbidden as of graphql-tools v 7.0.2 ?graphql-tools v 7.0.2起,是否禁止在键选择集中引用列表类型? It looks like I actually can circumvent the issue by using a subschema merge config defined outside of the SDL (without batching, instead using the args and selectionSet config parameters), but for validation/gateway reasons I'd prefer to have all my subschemas contain all of their type merging instructions as SDL directives.看起来我实际上可以通过使用在 SDL 之外定义的子模式合并配置来规避这个问题(没有批处理,而是使用argsselectionSet配置参数),但是出于验证/网关的原因,我希望我的所有子模式都包含它们的所有类型合并指令都作为 SDL 指令。

Nb. NB。 This is a simplified representation of a real world problem.这是现实世界问题的简化表示。

Nb2. Nb2。 In the real world application one of my subschemas is a remote GraphQL application that I don't control, hence the need for some advanced tailoring in the stitching layer.在现实世界的应用程序中,我的子模式之一是我无法控制的远程 GraphQL 应用程序,因此需要在拼接层中进行一些高级定制。

Edit: Simply adding the following to the merge options on the subschema config seems to solve the problem.编辑:只需将以下内容添加到子模式配置的合并选项中似乎可以解决问题。 Someone know of a good reason why this doesn't seem to be reproducible with SDL directives?有人知道为什么这似乎不能用 SDL 指令重现吗? (Or a good way to do so?) (或者这样做的好方法?)

// AType
  argsFromKeys: (keys) => ({ keys }),
  fieldName: 'aEntities_fromBSchema',
  key: ({ oneToOneRelation, oneToManyRelation }) => ({ oneToManyRelation, oneToOneRelation }),
  selectionSet: '{ oneToOneRelation { id }, oneToManyRelation { id } }'

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