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电报机器人 api 如何安排通知?

[英]Telegram bot api how to schedule a notification?

I've made a bot that gets today football matches and if the user wants he can get a reminder 10 min before a selected match.我制作了一个机器人,可以获取今天的足球比赛,如果用户想要,他可以在所选比赛前 10 分钟收到提醒。

while current_time != new_hour:
        now = datetime.now()
        current_time = now.strftime("%H:%M")
#return notification
    text_caps = "Your match starts in 10 minutes"
    context.bot.send_message(chat_id=update.effective_chat.id, text=text_caps)

Obviously while the loop runs i can not use another command.显然,当循环运行时,我不能使用另一个命令。 I am new to programming how could i implement this so i still get the notification but while that runs i can use other commands?我是编程新手,我怎么能实现这个,所以我仍然收到通知,但是在运行时我可以使用其他命令?

Thank you!谢谢!

Try to use an aiogram and you can make scheduled tasks with aiocron (store users who wants to get notification in database or in global dict)尝试使用aiogram ,您可以使用aiocron进行计划任务(将想要在数据库或全局字典中获取通知的用户存储)

You can schedule a job.您可以安排工作。
Let's say you have a CommandHandler("watch_match", watch_match) that listens for a /watch_match conmmand and 10 minutes later a message is supposed to arrive假设您有一个CommandHandler("watch_match", watch_match)来侦听/watch_match命令,并且 10 分钟后应该会收到一条消息

def watch_match(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
    chat_id = update.effective_chat.id
    ten_minutes = 60 * 10 # 10 minutes in seconds  
    context.job_queue.run_once(callback=send_match_info, when=ten_minutes, context=chat_id) 
    # Whatever you pass here as context is available in the job.context variable of the callback

def send_match_info(context: CallbackContext):
    chat_id = context.job.context
    context.bot.send_message(chat_id=chat_id, text="Yay")

A more detailed example in the official repository官方存储库中的更详细示例
And in the official documentation you can see the run_once function在官方文档中你可以看到run_once function

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