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如何使用 Python 将 HTML 从 info 传递到 MySQL 数据库?

[英]How to pass HTML from info to MySQL database using Python?

I am using Pyhton and Flask and I am trying to pass the information from HTML form to MySQL db.我正在使用 Pyhton 和 Flask,我正在尝试将 HTML 表单中的信息传递给 MySQL db。 I am connected to the database and I know that it works because I tried it via terminal but I am not sure how to pass information from the HTML form?.我已连接到数据库,我知道它可以工作,因为我通过终端尝试过,但我不确定如何从 HTML 表单传递信息? Can someone advise on this.有人可以就此提出建议。 Thanks in advance!提前致谢! SuYan苏燕

@app.route("/sign-up", methods=["POST"])
def signup():
    title = "Sign-up"
    return render_template("signup.html", title=title)
    def signup(): 
        name = request.form['name'] 
        age = request.form['age'] 
        pas = request.form['signup-button']
        mycursor.execute("INSERT INTO person (name, age) VALUES (%s,%s)", (name, age))
@app.route("/sign-up", methods=["GET","POST"])
def signup():
    if request.method == "POST":
        name = request.form['name'] 
        age = request.form['age'] 
        pas = request.form['signup-button']
        mycursor.execute("INSERT INTO person (name, age) VALUES (%s,%s)", (name, age))
    title = "Sign-up"
    return render_template("signup.html", title=title)

Hey Su Yan, Use this and let me know if this works or error persists.嘿苏燕,使用这个,让我知道这是否有效或错误仍然存在。

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