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NiFi 处理器无法连接到 Zookeeper

[英]NiFi processors cannot connect to Zookeeper

I am integrating Apache NiFi 1.9.2 (secure cluster) with HDP 3.1.4.我正在将 Apache NiFi 1.9.2(安全集群)与 HDP 3.1.4 集成。 HDP contains Zookeeper 3.4.6 with SASL auth (Kerberos). HDP 包含带有 SASL 身份验证 (Kerberos) 的 Zookeeper 3.4.6。 NiFi nodes successfully connect to this Zookeeper, sync flow and log heartbeats. NiFi 节点成功连接到此 Zookeeper,同步流并记录心跳。

Meanwhile, NiFi processors using Zookeeper are not able to connect.同时,使用 Zookeeper 的 NiFi 处理器无法连接。 GenerateTableFetch throws: GenerateTableFetch 抛出:

org.apache.commons.dbcp.SQLNestedException: Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory (Could not open client transport for any of the Server URI's in ZooKeeper: Unable to read HiveServer2 uri from ZooKeeper)

ListHDFS fails attempting to write its state to ZooKeeper: ListHDFS 尝试将其 state 写入 ZooKeeper 失败:

o.apache.nifi.processors.hadoop.ListHDFS ListHDFS  Failed to retrieve timestamp of last listing from the State Manager. Will not perform listing until this is accomplished.

But GetHDFS (which doesn't communicate with zk) works OK.但是 GetHDFS(不与 zk 通信)工作正常。 Enable HiveConnector works without errors.启用 HiveConnector 可以正常工作。

Thank you in before for any ideas and support.感谢您之前的任何想法和支持。

First, I missed zk connect string in state-management.xml (thanks to @BenYaakobi for noticing).首先,我错过了 state-management.xml 中的 zk 连接字符串(感谢@BenYaakobi的注意)。

Second, Hive processors work with Hive3ConnectionPool from nifi-hive3-nar library .其次,Hive 处理器与nifi-hive3-nar library中的 Hive3ConnectionPool 一起使用。 Library contains Hive3* processors, but Hive1* (eg SelectHiveQL, GenerateTableFetch) processors work with Hive3 connector as well.库包含 Hive3* 处理器,但 Hive1*(例如 SelectHiveQL、GenerateTableFetch)处理器也适用于 Hive3 连接器。

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