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从 XML 充气时,自定义 Android 视图类型错误

[英]Custom Android view has wrong type when inflating from XML

I have a custom view, that extends LinearLayout :我有一个自定义视图,它扩展了LinearLayout

class MyCustomView @JvmOverloads constructor(
    context: Context,
    attrs: AttributeSet? = null
) : LinearLayout(context, attrs) {

    private val binding = MyCustomViewBinding.inflate(LayoutInflater.from(context), this, true)
    // ...

And I need to define a custom wrapper (similar to TextInputLayout ), that can include a child MyCustomView object and has a special logic to inflate it.而且我需要定义一个自定义包装器(类似于TextInputLayout ),它可以包含一个子MyCustomView object 并且有一个特殊的逻辑来膨胀它。 So I want to be able to define the views in XML as follows:所以我希望能够在 XML 中定义视图,如下所示:




For that purpose I override addView() method (similar to https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/support/+/81fdc55/design/src/android/support/design/widget/TextInputLayout.java#140 ), that is called during XML inflation:为此,我重写addView()方法(类似于https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/support/+/81fdc55/design/src/android/support/design/widget/TextInputLayout.java#140 ) ,即在 XML 膨胀期间调用:

class MyCustomWrapper @JvmOverloads constructor(
    context: Context,
    attrs: AttributeSet? = null
) : ConstraintLayout(context, attrs) {

    private val binding = MyCustomWrapper Binding.inflate(LayoutInflater.from(context), this, true)
    override fun addView(child: View?) {
        if (child is MyCustomView) {
            // custom logic
        } else {

Unfortunately, it doesn't work: the condition child is MyCustomView is always false, in debugger child is only typed as LinearLayout .不幸的是,它不起作用:条件child is MyCustomView始终为 false,在调试器中 child 仅键入为LinearLayout Any ideas, how to fix this?任何想法如何解决这一问题?

you have to override你必须覆盖

override fun addView(child: View?, params: ViewGroup.LayoutParams?) {

addView(child: View?) is invoked only for your MyCustomWrapperBinding addView(child: View?)仅为您的MyCustomWrapperBinding调用

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