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如何判断 javascript 字符串是数字还是日期?

[英]How can I tell if a javascript string is a number OR a date?

I have a value that may be a stringified date, or number.我有一个可能是字符串化日期或数字的值。 I'd like to handle each case differently.我想以不同的方式处理每种情况。

Date values can be any valid date string that can be parsed by a date library, like dayjs.日期值可以是任何可以被日期库解析的有效日期字符串,比如 dayjs。 For example: "10/10/2020" , "10-20-2020" ...例如:“2020 年 10 月 10 日"10/10/2020""10-20-2020" ……

Number values can be actual numbers, or numbers in the form of a string, so values like 5 , "5.3" , "10" ...数字值可以是实际数字,也可以是字符串形式的数字,因此值如5"5.3""10" ...

For example ->例如 ->

      const number = parseFloat(value);
      if (!isNaN(number)) {
          return NumberValueConverter.prototype.toView(number);

      const date = dayjs(value);
      if (date.isValid()) {
          return DateValueConverter.prototype.toView(value);

This code isn't working though - since date strings like 10-10-2020, 10-10-2020 end up getting parsed to 10但此代码不起作用 - 因为像 10-10-2020、10-10-2020 这样的日期字符串最终会被解析为10

If I do it in reverse, dayjs converts numbers like 10 to a valid date.如果我反过来做,dayjs 会将 10 之类的数字转换为有效日期。

parseFloat is already happy when the given string starts with a digit, so if you then test isNaN on that result, you'll get false positives.当给定的字符串以数字开头时, parseFloat已经很高兴了,所以如果你在那个结果上测试isNaN ,你会得到误报。

So don't check whether the result is numeric, but whether the original string represents a number:所以不要检查结果是否为数字,而是检查原始字符串是否代表数字:

if (!isNaN(number)) {


if (!isNaN(value)) {

Alternatively, you can use the unary plus instead of parseFloat , which will only return a definite number when the input represents a number:或者,您可以使用一元加号代替parseFloat ,它只会在输入表示数字时返回一个确定的数字:

const number = +value;

... and then it is best practice to test with Number.isNaN : ...然后最好使用Number.isNaN进行测试:

if (!Number.isNaN(number)) {
if(/^[0-9]+[.]{0,1}[0-9]*$/.test(value)) {
     // Handle your number value
} else {
     // Check for date here

You can use above regular expression for parsing number string.您可以使用上面的正则表达式来解析数字字符串。

  • /^: Refers to start your string /^: 指开始你的字符串
  • $/: Refers to end of your string $/: 指你的字符串的结尾
  • [0-9]+: Starting of string is from 0 to 9 with minimum one length [0-9]+:字符串的开头是从 0 到 9,最小长度为 1
  • [.]{0,1}: Can contain 0 or at max 1 '.' [.]{0,1}:可以包含 0 或最多 1 个 '.'
  • [0-9]*: Can contain 0 to 9 digits at the end of string. [0-9]*:字符串末尾可以包含 0 到 9 位数字。

You could use regex to test if the string looks like a date before mapping.您可以使用正则表达式来测试字符串是否看起来像映射前的日期。 This regex is from https://www.regextester.com/96683 And it tests if it looks like the date you passed in.这个正则表达式来自https://www.regextester.com/96683它测试它是否看起来像你传入的日期。

There is more complex regex that tests for different formats of date if you do not know the format beforehand: https://stackoverflow.com/a/15504877/14948219如果您事先不知道格式,还有更复杂的正则表达式可以测试不同格式的日期: https://stackoverflow.com/a/15504877/14948219

    return date
 } else if(isNan(value){
    return number

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