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MySQL 在单个查询中使用 PHP 中的 IF ELSE 语句更新多个列

[英]MySQL Update Multiple Columns with IF ELSE Statement in PHP in single Query

I have two MySql Queries in PHP.我在 PHP 中有两个 MySql 查询。 I want to merge them ino one two reduce database load.我想将它们合并为一两个以减少数据库负载。

$sql1 = "UPDATE doorshippers_products 
        SET status='2', price='".$pp."', stock='0', timestemp='".$time."' 
        WHERE sku=$skuu AND price!=$pp";


$sql2 = "UPDATE doorshippers_products 
        SET timestemp='".$time."' WHERE 
        sku=$skuu AND price=$pp";


I want to merge them into one using if/else我想使用 if/else 将它们合并为一个

You can use IF and set the column back to the same value in one condition, otherwise the new value.您可以使用IF并在一个条件下将列设置回相同的值,否则为新值。

$sql1 = "UPDATE doorshippers_products 
        SET status=IF(price = $pp, status, '2'), 
        stock=IF(price = $pp, stock, '0'), 
        WHERE sku=$skuu";

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