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ASP.NET Core 5 MVC 从视图中渲染字符串

[英]ASP.NET Core 5 MVC Render string from action in view

I try to display a string from Action in a View.我尝试在视图中显示来自操作的字符串。 This sounds like a very simple and easy task, but I don't get it how to do this.这听起来像一个非常简单易行的任务,但我不明白如何做到这一点。

My async Action returns Content Result:我的异步操作返回内容结果:

public async Task<IActionResult> DisplayName(string key)
    // Retrieves the requested culture
    var rqf = Request.HttpContext.Features.Get<IRequestCultureFeature>();
    // Culture contains the information of the requested culture
    var culture = rqf.RequestCulture.Culture;

    return Content(await Task.FromResult(_displayProvider.GetDisplayName(key, culture.Name)));

My View is very simple html:我的观点很简单 html:

@model List<MyModel>

<table class="table table-bordered table-striped datatable">
    <thead class="table-head-dark">
                @Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.First().Id)
        @foreach (var item in Model)
                    @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.Id)
                    <partial name="_EditDetailButton" model="@item.Id" />
                    <partial name="_DeleteButton" model="@item" />

Instead of @Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.First().Id) I want to Display a user-defined value.而不是@Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.First().Id)我想显示一个用户定义的值。 The user-defined value is returned from the Action.从 Action 返回用户定义的值。

I tried @Url.Action("DisplayName", "DisplayName", new { key = "MyModel.Id" }) but this is rendering an Url.我尝试@Url.Action("DisplayName", "DisplayName", new { key = "MyModel.Id" })但这正在渲染 Url。

I tried Html.RenderAction("DisplayName", "DisplayName", new { key = "LastName" }) but RenderAction does not exist in ASP.NET Core 5.我试过Html.RenderAction("DisplayName", "DisplayName", new { key = "LastName" })但 RenderAction 在 ASP.NET Core 5 中不存在。

I could call a static Class eg DisplayNameProvider.GetDisplayName("MyModel.Id", ???) but i dont know how to get the choosen culture to pass it to the method.我可以调用 static Class 例如DisplayNameProvider.GetDisplayName("MyModel.Id", ???)但我不知道如何让选择的文化将其传递给方法。

How do I get this working?我如何让这个工作? I am also not familiar with components in ASP.NET Core.我也不熟悉 ASP.NET 内核中的组件。

Or is there a completely different solution for displaying strings, which the user has defined and save to the database?或者是否有完全不同的显示字符串的解决方案,用户已经定义并保存到数据库中? The DisplayNameProvider is retrieving the strings from database and handles caching. DisplayNameProvider正在从数据库中检索字符串并处理缓存。

UPDATE: The Goal is to store and change displaynames for properties in the database.更新:目标是存储和更改数据库中属性的显示名称。 The user can change the displaynames.用户可以更改显示名称。 In my example the user wants a different displayname for the column header.在我的示例中,用户希望列 header 具有不同的显示名称。 I cannot use resource files as these are static and cannot be changed during runtime.我不能使用资源文件,因为它们是 static 并且在运行时无法更改。

This is my DisplayNameProvider.GetDisplayName Method:这是我的 DisplayNameProvider.GetDisplayName 方法:

public string GetDisplayName(string ressourceKey, string language)
    var ressources = GetCached(language);

    var item = ressources.FirstOrDefault(r => r.ResourceKey == ressourceKey);
    return item.Text;

Thanks in advance提前致谢

I ended up using a string localizer, which returns the desired value for my properties.我最终使用了一个字符串本地化器,它为我的属性返回所需的值。

Now i can use displaynamefor and it shows the value of the language.现在我可以使用 displaynamefor 并显示语言的值。 Eg:例如:

@Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.MyProperty)

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