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如何在 JS 中递归重复一个字符串 n 次?

[英]How can I recurse in JS to repeat a string n times?

I am new to programming and am studying recursion at the moment.我是编程新手,目前正在研究递归。

I am trying to make the code below repeat string s n number of times, however, it will always repeat n - 1 times, because I need to pass a decrement to exit the recursion or I will exceed the max call stack.我试图让下面的代码重复字符串s n次,但是,它总是会重复n - 1次,因为我需要通过递减来退出递归,否则我将超过最大调用堆栈。 I have been trying things with bad results until now, so I decided to ask for your help.到目前为止,我一直在尝试结果不佳的事情,所以我决定寻求您的帮助。

function repeatStr (n, s) {
  while(n > 1) {
   result = repeatStr(-n, s)
    return s = s.concat(s)
repeatStr(3, "Hi")

What can I change to make it recurse correctly?我可以更改什么以使其正确递归?

Thanks in advance.提前致谢。 I know this is probably a very basic question but learning takes asking basic questions.我知道这可能是一个非常基本的问题,但学习需要提出基本问题。

Recursion involves making a function call itself and AVOIDS using a loop.递归涉及使 function 调用自身并避免使用循环。 You have a loop in the recursive function which is a big red flag.您在递归 function 中有一个循环,这是一个大红旗。

Do something like this: If n is 1 return s else return s concatenated to the result of the function with n - 1.执行以下操作:如果 n 为 1,则返回 s,否则将返回 s 与 n - 1 的 function 的结果相连接。

function repeatStr (n, s) {
   if (n == 1) 
       return s;
       return s.concat(repeatStr(n - 1, s))
repeatStr(3, "Hi")

Because you're new to programming and JavaScript, let's work up to the solution.因为您不熟悉编程和 JavaScript,所以让我们着手解决问题。 Start with a simple case, eg repeatStr(3, "Hi") .从一个简单的案例开始,例如repeatStr(3, "Hi") One simple answer may be:一个简单的答案可能是:

function repeatStr(n, s) {
    return "HiHiHi";

Here, we assume what the inputs are always 3 and "Hi".在这里,我们假设输入总是 3 和“Hi”。 We don't have a while loop, and we don't have recursion.我们没有while循环,也没有递归。 We have the correct answer for those specific inputs but no other inputs are supported.对于这些特定输入,我们有正确的答案,但不支持其他输入。

Let's make the answer a little bit harder:让我们把答案变得更难一点:

function repeatStr(n, s) {
    return "Hi" + "Hi" + "Hi";

Here, again, we are assuming the inputs are 3 and "Hi".在这里,我们再次假设输入是 3 和“Hi”。 We still don't have a while loop nor do we have recursion.我们仍然没有 while 循环,也没有递归。

Okay, let's start using one of your inputs:好的,让我们开始使用您的输入之一:

function repeatStr(n, s) {
    return s + s + s;

Here, we are finally using the string that's passed in as s .在这里,我们最终使用了作为s传入的字符串。 We can handle inputs other than "Hi" to generate a correct answer.我们可以处理"Hi"以外的输入来生成正确的答案。 But, we're still assuming the number input is 3.但是,我们仍然假设输入的数字是 3。

Finally, let's have a look at n :最后,让我们看一下n

function repeatStr(n, s) {
    let result = "";
    while (n > 0) {
        n = n - 1;
        result = result + s;
    return result;

Okay, here we take both inputs n and s into consideration and we solve the problem by appending s exactly the number n times needed.好的,这里我们将输入ns都考虑在内,我们通过将s精确地附加n次来解决问题。 This is a while loop solution, not a recursion solution.这是一个 while 循环解决方案,而不是递归解决方案。 Our while loop has the action result = result + s;我们的 while 循环有动作result = result + s; repeated exactly n times where we use n as a countdown and stop when we reach 0.精确地重复n次,我们使用n作为倒计时并在到达 0 时停止。

Now, we have all that background, let's look at one version of the recursion solution.现在,我们有了所有的背景知识,让我们看一下递归解决方案的一个版本。

 function repeatStr(n, s) {
     if (n <= 0) {
         return "";
     return s + repeat(n - 1, s);

Even in recursion form we retain the countdown feature.即使在递归形式中,我们也保留倒计时功能。 This time the countdown is used to drive the recursion instead of a while loop.这次倒计时用于驱动递归而不是while循环。 We still counting down to 0 where we have an if-return guard condition that's needed to terminate the recursion.我们仍然倒计时到 0,我们有一个 if-return 保护条件,需要终止递归。 ie when n <= 0 , we exit with the simple empty string "" .即当n <= 0时,我们以简单的空字符串""退出。 Then for the more complex case, it is solving any nth version by expressing in terms of the (n-1) th version.然后对于更复杂的情况,它通过用第(n-1)个版本表示来解决任何第 n 个版本。 Another way of looking at it is this:另一种看待它的方式是:

 repeatStr(3, "Hi") === "Hi" + repeatStr(2, "Hi")
                    === "Hi" + "Hi" + repeatStr(1, "Hi")
                    === "Hi" + "Hi" + "Hi" + repeatStr(0, "Hi")
                    === "Hi" + "Hi" + "Hi" + ""

If you want to get a little clever, JavaScript has a conditional which can be used in place of your if statement:如果你想变得聪明一点,JavaScript 有一个条件可以用来代替你的 if 语句:

 function repeatStr(n, s) {
     return (n <= 0) ? "" : s + repeat(n - 1, s);

Hope that makes sense.希望这是有道理的。

Adding a decomposed approach to the other nice answers in this thread -在此线程中为其他不错的答案添加分解方法-

 const concat = a => b => a.concat(b) const repeat = n => f => x => n && repeat(n - 1)(f)(f(x)) || x const hello = repeat(3)(concat("Hi")) console.log(hello("Alice")) console.log(hello(""))


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