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没有这种付款方式 - 克隆付款方式 Stripe Connect

[英]No Such Payment Method - Clone Payment Method Stripe Connect

I'm following this example to clone a payment method: https://stripe.com/docs/payments/payment-methods/connect#cloning-payment-methods我正在按照此示例克隆付款方式: https://stripe.com/docs/payments/payment-methods/connect#cloning-payment-methods

const paymentMethod = await stripe.paymentMethods.create(
        customer: card.customer,
        payment_method: card.id,
        stripeAccount: vendorAcc,

This returns:这将返回:

  id: 'pm_....',
  object: 'payment_method',
  billing_details: {
    address: {
      city: null,
      country: null,
      line1: null,
      line2: null,
      postal_code: null,
      state: null
    email: '...',
    name: '...',
    phone: null
  card: {
    brand: 'visa',
    checks: {
      address_line1_check: null,
      address_postal_code_check: null,
      cvc_check: 'pass'
    country: 'US',
    exp_month: 3,
    exp_year: ...,
    fingerprint: 'c...',
    funding: 'credit',
    generated_from: null,
    last4: '4242',
    networks: { available: [Array], preferred: null },
    three_d_secure_usage: { supported: true },
    wallet: null
  created: 1616118576,
  customer: null,
  livemode: false,
  metadata: {},
  type: 'card'

However, when I next try to run:但是,当我下次尝试运行时:

const paymentMethod2 = await stripe.paymentMethods.retrieve(


const paymentMethodAttached = await stripe.paymentMethods.attach(
    { customer: card.customer }

I get the error:我得到错误:

    StripeInvalidRequestError: No such PaymentMethod: 'pm_...'
    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:84:21) {
  type: 'StripeInvalidRequestError',
  raw: {
    code: 'resource_missing',
    doc_url: 'https://stripe.com/docs/error-codes/resource-missing',
    message: "No such PaymentMethod: 'pm_...'",
    param: 'payment_method',
    type: 'invalid_request_error',
    headers: {
      server: 'nginx',
      date: 'Fri, 19 Mar 2021 01:49:37 GMT',
      'content-type': 'application/json',
      'content-length': '262',
      connection: 'keep-alive',
      'access-control-allow-credentials': 'true',
      'access-control-allow-methods': 'GET, POST, HEAD, OPTIONS, DELETE',
      'access-control-allow-origin': '*',
      'access-control-expose-headers': 'Request-Id, Stripe-Manage-Version, X-Stripe-External-Auth-Required, X-Stripe-Privileged-Session-Required',
      'access-control-max-age': '300',
      'cache-control': 'no-cache, no-store',
      'request-id': 'req_...',
      'stripe-version': '2020-03-02',
      'x-stripe-c-cost': '12',
      'strict-transport-security': 'max-age=31556926; includeSubDomains; preload'
    statusCode: 404,
    requestId: 'req_...'
  rawType: 'invalid_request_error',
  code: 'resource_missing',
  doc_url: 'https://stripe.com/docs/error-codes/resource-missing',
  param: 'payment_method',
  detail: undefined,
  headers: {
    server: 'nginx',
    date: 'Fri, 19 Mar 2021 01:49:37 GMT',
    'content-type': 'application/json',
    'content-length': '262',
    connection: 'keep-alive',
    'access-control-allow-credentials': 'true',
    'access-control-allow-methods': 'GET, POST, HEAD, OPTIONS, DELETE',
    'access-control-allow-origin': '*',
    'access-control-expose-headers': 'Request-Id, Stripe-Manage-Version, X-Stripe-External-Auth-Required, X-Stripe-Privileged-Session-Required',
    'access-control-max-age': '300',
    'cache-control': 'no-cache, no-store',
    'request-id': 'req_...',
    'stripe-version': '2020-03-02',
    'x-stripe-c-cost': '12',
    'strict-transport-security': 'max-age=31556926; includeSubDomains; preload'
  requestId: 'req_...',
  statusCode: 404,
  charge: undefined,
  decline_code: undefined,
  payment_intent: undefined,
  payment_method: undefined,
  payment_method_type: undefined,
  setup_intent: undefined,
  source: undefined



I am now running:我现在正在运行:

const paymentMethodAttached = await stripe.paymentMethods.attach( 
          customer: card.customer,
          stripeAccount: vendorAcc,

This throws the error:这会引发错误:

No such customer: 'cus_...'没有这样的客户:'cus_...'

When I run当我跑

const paymentMethod2 = await stripe.paymentMethods.retrieve(
         stripeAccount: vendorAcc,

this returns successfully, with:这成功返回,其中:

  id: 'pm_...',
  object: 'payment_method',
  billing_details: {
    address: {
      city: null,
      country: null,
      line1: null,
      line2: null,
      postal_code: null,
      state: null
    email: '...',
    name: '...',
    phone: null
  card: {
    brand: 'visa',
    checks: {
      address_line1_check: null,
      address_postal_code_check: null,
      cvc_check: 'pass'
    country: 'US',
    exp_month: 3,
    exp_year: 2024,
    fingerprint: '...',
    funding: 'credit',
    generated_from: null,
    last4: '4242',
    networks: { available: [Array], preferred: null },
    three_d_secure_usage: { supported: true },
    wallet: null
  created: 1616158821,
  customer: null,
  livemode: false,
  metadata: {},
  type: 'card'

“No such...” errors are usually caused by either a mismatch in API keys (eg using a mixture of your test plus live keys) or by trying to access objects that exist on a different account (eg trying to perform an operation from your platform account on an object that was created on a connected account). “No such...”错误通常是由于 API 密钥不匹配(例如使用测试和实时密钥的混合)或尝试访问存在于不同帐户上的对象(例如尝试从您在已连接帐户上创建的 object 上的平台帐户)。

In this case it's the second one: your retrieve or attach calls don't include the Stripe-Account header , so they're looking on the wrong Stripe Account.在这种情况下,它是第二个:您的检索或附加调用不包括 Stripe-Account header ,因此他们正在查找错误的 Stripe 帐户。

Update: Also the Customer must exist on the Connected Account, which it likely doesn't given your 'no such Customer' error.更新:客户必须存在于关联帐户中,这可能不会给出您的“没有这样的客户”错误。

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