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如何将 flutter 桌面应用程序发布到 windows 商店

[英]How to publish flutter desktop app to windows store

how to upload flutter desktop application in windows store with the beta version of flutter 2.02.如何使用 flutter 2.02 测试版在 windows 商店中上传 flutter 桌面应用程序。 my desktop application is working fine with version 2.02.我的桌面应用程序在 2.02 版上运行良好。

created windows build with创建 windows 构建

flutter build windows

At first, you need a paid developer Account: https://developer.microsoft.com/de-de/store/register/首先,你需要一个付费开发者账号: https://developer.microsoft.com/de-de/store/register/

You get a dev account under $20.您将获得一个低于 20 美元的开发帐户。 (one-time purchases) (一次性购买)

Then you build your app with Flutter for Windows and after this step you can use the xsix package to build a xsix file for the Windows Store. Then you build your app with Flutter for Windows and after this step you can use the xsix package to build a xsix file for the Windows Store. You find the documentation for the package here: https://pub.dev/documentation/msix/latest/您可以在此处找到 package 的文档: https://pub.dev/documentation/msix/latest/

Add this package to the dev_dependencies:将此 package 添加到 dev_dependencies:

    sdk: flutter
  msix: ^2.1.1

"If you publish your msix to Windows Store you dont need to sign it, Windows Store does it for you. To generate msix file for Windows Store use the --store flag or add store: true in msix configuration sction in your pubspec.yaml. "If you publish your msix to Windows Store you dont need to sign it, Windows Store does it for you. To generate msix file for Windows Store use the --store flag or add store: true in msix configuration sction in your pubspec.yaml .

Note: the configuration values publisher_display_name, identity_name, msix_version, publisher must be valid, you can find those values in your Windows Store Dashboard > Product > Product identity.注意:配置值 publisher_display_name、identity_name、msix_version、publisher 必须有效,您可以在 Windows Store Dashboard > Product > Product identity 中找到这些值。

For more information, please see this tutorial: How to publish your MSIX package to the Microsoft Store"有关详细信息,请参阅本教程:如何将您的 MSIX package 发布到 Microsoft Store”

And then use these comments:然后使用这些评论:

flutter clean
flutter build windows
flutter pub run msix:create --store

After this steps you get the msix file for uploading to the Windows Store.在此步骤之后,您将获得用于上传到 Windows 存储的 msix 文件。

This is the guide for publishing on the Windows Store: here这是在 Windows 商店上发布的指南:这里

You'll need a Microsoft Partner Center account.你需要一个 Microsoft 合作伙伴中心帐户。

You can use the Flutter msix package to build the.msix file.您可以使用 Flutter msix package 来构建 .msix 文件。

The whole process from building to publishing is described here . 这里描述了从构建到发布的整个过程。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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