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[英]Uncaught ReferenceError: “xxx” is not defined (VUE)

New to Vue, trying to figure out something. Vue 新手,试图弄清楚一些事情。 I'm using this "Data":我正在使用这个“数据”:

data() {
        return {
            currentPage: 0,
            nextPage: '',
            previousPage: '',
            left: '',
            opacity: '',
            scale: '',

Trying to use the data variables inside a method looks like this:尝试在方法中使用数据变量如下所示:

methods: {
        isStageOneDone: function () {
            var animating;
            if(animating) return false;
            animating = true;
            console.log("CurrentPage =>", currentPage);

But I keep getting this error:但我不断收到此错误:

Uncaught ReferenceError: currentPage is not defined未捕获的 ReferenceError:未定义 currentPage

What am I missing?我错过了什么? I looked into the Vue docs and it seems ok I think我查看了 Vue 文档,我认为似乎还可以

Edit: Is it possible that because of the return() the error occurs?编辑:是否有可能由于 return() 发生错误?

Hi you should define your methods like below嗨,你应该定义你的方法,如下所示

methods: {
 isStageOneDone(path, data) {
        var animating;
        if(animating) return false;
        animating = true;
        console.log("CurrentPage =>", this.currentPage);

lets try it out i think it will work for you让我们试试吧,我认为它对你有用

You have to add "this" key for access to defined inside data attributes.您必须添加“this”键才能访问定义的内部数据属性。 for example:例如:

 data(){ return{ variable:'example' } }, methods:{ exampleFunc(){ return this.variable; } }

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