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购买未在 GA4 Monetization 中显示

[英]Purchase not showing in GA4 Monetization

Using GA4 I have conversions on my WooCommerce store setup, and they work fine in that within debug mode I see conversion.使用 GA4,我在 WooCommerce 存储设置上进行了转换,并且它们在调试模式下工作正常,我看到了转换。 Also, I can go to 'Conversions > purchase' in Google Analytics and see the conversion and the event value.此外,我可以在 Google Analytics 中将 go 转换为“转化 > 购买”,然后查看转化和事件价值。 However, nothing appears on 'Monitization > Ecommerce purchases'.但是,“监控 > 电子商务购买”上没有显示任何内容。

The event name is 'purchase', and I believe I have the correct data layer variables.事件名称是“购买”,我相信我有正确的数据层变量。

This is my data layer:这是我的数据层:

  gtm: {start: 1616168568037, uniqueEventId: 2},
  event: 'purchase',
  ecommerce: {
    transaction_id: '222',
    currency: 'GBP',
    affiliation: 'My Store',
    value: '14.95',
    tax: '0.00',
    shipping: '5.95',
    items: [
        item_name: 'Cocktail Shaker Kit',
        item_id: '199',
        price: '14.95',
        item_category: 'Cocktail Boxes',
        item_variant: '',
        quantity: 1,
        coupon: ''

What have I missed?我错过了什么?

For me it turned out that all it took was to add 'currency' parameter inside GA4 purchase tag.对我来说,事实证明只需要在 GA4 购买标签中添加“货币”参数。 I found the answer here https://www.optizent.com/blog/ecommerce-report-in-ga4-not-showing-revenue/我在这里找到了答案https://www.optizent.com/blog/ecommerce-report-in-ga4-not-showing-revenue/

I have currency set up on thank you page, but in current state of GA4 connected to tag manager, you have to define all parameters again in tag manager.我在感谢页面上设置了货币,但是在当前连接到标签管理器的 GA4 的 state 中,您必须在标签管理器中重新定义所有参数。

Also, note that monetary values need to be sent as numbers instead of strings.另外请注意,货币值需要以数字而不是字符串的形式发送。 I found that my purchase events were accepted but the revenue wasn't being calculated until I changed them to number values.我发现我的购买事件被接受了,但直到我将它们更改为数字值才计算收入。

They definitely can be delayed, howevever there is no harm in double checking your data being sent.它们肯定会被延迟,但是仔细检查您发送的数据并没有什么坏处。 I'm definitely not convinced that currency which is listed as optional makes any difference at all.我绝对不相信被列为可选的货币有什么不同。

Also note that as with previous GA, the current date is not selected by default:另请注意,与以前的 GA 一样,默认情况下不选择当前日期:


However even doing so, and it's currently 9:45am with plenty of real sales today I see nothing at all under Monetization > Ecommerce Purchases or Conversions > Purchase .但是即使这样做,现在是上午 9:45,今天有大量的实际销售,我在Monetization > Ecommerce Purchases or Conversions > Purchase下什么也看不到。 I do however see the sales from yesterday evening when I first deployed it.但是,当我第一次部署它时,我确实看到了昨天晚上的销售情况。

This seems to be a regression over the previous UA, where you could see sales in the equivalent places fairly soon.这似乎是对以前的 UA 的回归,您可以很快在同等位置看到销售。 In fact I still have UA running in a different property, and all the transactions are showing for today.事实上,我仍然在另一个属性中运行 UA,并且所有交易都显示为今天。

So double check, then go to bed:-)所以仔细检查,然后 go 睡觉:-)

I have problem with monetization report because I have little different structure then they have in official documentation.我对获利报告有疑问,因为我的结构与官方文档中的结构几乎没有什么不同。 Please check documentation and make same events.请检查文档并进行相同的活动。 Also you should wait for full report, informations about monetization aren't in real time.此外,您应该等待完整的报告,有关货币化的信息不是实时的。

https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/ga4/ecommerce?client_type=gtm https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/ga4/ecommerce?client_type=gtm

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