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Javascript 将数组推入另一个数组

[英]Javascript push array into another array

Is there any difference between the following code(with/without spread operator)?以下代码(带/不带扩展运算符)之间有什么区别吗?

let result = [];
let arr1 = [1,2,3];


In the first, without spreading, any modifications to the array at the 0th position in result will result in a change to the original arr1 as well, and vice versa.首先,在不扩散的情况下,对result中第 0 个 position 的阵列的任何修改都将导致对原始arr1的更改,反之亦然。

If you spread the array while pushing, though, such changes will not occur;但是,如果在 push 的同时展开数组,则不会发生这种变化; the two arrays (one in arr1 , one in result[0] ) will be completely independent.两个 arrays (一个在arr1 ,一个在result[0] )将完全独立。

 let result = []; let arr1 = [1,2,3]; result.push(arr1) arr1[1] = 999; console.log(result);

 let result = []; let arr1 = [1,2,3]; result.push([...arr1]) arr1[1] = 999; console.log(result);

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