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在 GNU/Linux 中安装 flutter 最稳定的方法是什么?

[英]Which is the most stable way to install flutter in GNU/Linux?

I recently decided to switch from W10 to GNU/Linux, and yes still a Linux noob.我最近决定从 W10 切换到 GNU/Linux,是的,仍然是 Linux 菜鸟。

So which is the most recommended way to install flutter on Linux?, a way which won't get me troubles in the future when I try to update flutter.那么在 Linux 上安装 flutter 的最推荐方法是什么? ,当我尝试更新 flutter 时,这种方法不会给我带来麻烦。

Right now I only now this three ways, which one is the best option?现在我现在只有这三种方式,哪一种是最好的选择? (you're free to tell me is there is another and better option) (您可以随意告诉我是否还有其他更好的选择)

  • Install Flutter using snapcraft (snapd)使用snapcraft (snapd) 安装 Flutter
  • Install Flutter manually with github repo or tar使用 github repo 或 tar手动安装 Flutter
  • Install Flutter using yay (Arch-based distros only)使用yay安装 Flutter(仅限基于 Arch 的发行版)

I really don't know anything about flutter in GNU/Linux so, I'd appreciate any opinion and advice.我真的对 GNU/Linux 中的 flutter 一无所知,因此,我将不胜感激任何意见和建议。 Thank you in advance.先感谢您。

The best and most stable for me was manually, but not from gitHub, by using tar.对我来说最好和最稳定的是手动,但不是来自 gitHub,使用 tar。 SnapD caused errors, but using.tar has been fine for 5 months now. SnapD 导致错误,但 using.tar 已经好 5 个月了。 Updating easily and seamlessly.轻松无缝地更新。 As you may have seen, but follow the documentation here step by step will work fine.正如您可能已经看到的,但是按照这里的文档一步一步地操作就可以了。 https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/install/linux If you have trouble exporting the path, come back for further help. https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/install/linux如果您在导出路径时遇到问题,请回来寻求进一步帮助。 Welcome to the club.欢迎来到俱乐部。

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