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[英]How to create button on the left in Appbar [flutter]

I tried to make the button[that pop new screen]on the left of the app-bar but I found only drawer that is not what I want.我试图在应用栏左侧制作按钮[弹出新屏幕],但我发现只有抽屉不是我想要的。

what I want in AppBar:我在 AppBar 中想要什么:

| button |----------text----------| button |<br>

what I have now:我现在拥有的:

----------------text----------------| button | <- form actions in AppBar<br>

If I understand correctly, you want to add a left button to your AppBar .如果我理解正确,您想在AppBar中添加一个左按钮。 You can achieve that by using the leading property, like this:您可以通过使用leading属性来实现这一点,如下所示:

  title: Text("AppBar with leading button"),
  automaticallyImplyLeading: false,
  leading: IconButton (
                 icon: Icon(Icons.arrow_back), 
                 onPressed: () { 
                       /** Do something */ 

To insert a widget on the left side of an Appbar, you must use the property: "leading" , in addition to this, you can increase the width of this widget with the property: "leadingWidth"要在 Appbar 的左侧插入一个小部件,您必须使用属性: "leading" ,除此之外,您可以使用属性: "leadingWidth"增加这个小部件的宽度

appbar: AppBar(
  leading: Widget(),
  leadingWidth: 100

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