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如何通过自定义 arguments 创建桌面快捷方式?

[英]How to create desktop shortcut passing custom arguments?

I have KDE 5.20.5 and would like to create a desktop shortcut for launching Chromium passing custom command line arguments to it.我有 KDE 5.20.5,想创建一个桌面快捷方式来启动 Chromium,将自定义命令行 arguments 传递给它。

Initially, I've right-clicked on a Launcher Chromium menu entry -> Add to Desktop... and the shortcut got created.最初,我右键单击 Launcher Chromium 菜单项 -> Add to Desktop... ,然后创建了快捷方式。 However, it's just a symlink to /usr/share/applications/chromium.desktop and I can't modify it.但是,它只是/usr/share/applications/chromium.desktop的符号链接,我无法修改它。

Then, I've tried to copy that /usr/share/applications/chromium.desktop onto my desktop manually so I could modify the copy and not touch the original.然后,我尝试手动将/usr/share/applications/chromium.desktop复制到我的桌面上,这样我就可以修改副本而不触及原始文件。 However even before editing it, it 's unable to launch Chromium.然而,即使在编辑之前,它也无法启动 Chromium。 It displays the following message box when double-clicked:双击时显示以下消息框:

Unknown error code 100 You are not authorized to execute this file.未知错误代码 100 您无权执行此文件。 Please send a full bug report at https://bugs.kde.org .请在https://bugs.kde.org发送完整的错误报告。

I've sweated googling an answer to such the basic question: what is correct \ recommended way of creating a modifiable desktop shortcut based on a Launcher menu entry in KDE Plasma?我已经在谷歌上搜索了这样一个基本问题的答案:什么是正确的\推荐的基于 KDE Plasma 中的启动器菜单条目创建可修改桌面快捷方式的方法?

You need to make the copied chromium.desktop file executable.您需要使复制的chromium.desktop文件可执行。 With Dolphin file manager: right-click on your .desktop file → PropertiesPermissions tab → check Is executable checkbox.使用Dolphin文件管理器:右键单击您的.desktop文件 → PropertiesPermissions选项卡 → 选中Is executable复选框。

Alternatively, from the folder with your .desktop file, you can run:或者,从包含.desktop文件的文件夹中,您可以运行:

 chmod 755 chromium.desktop

Now it should be able to launch Chromium.现在它应该能够启动 Chromium。

To add a custom argument(-s) to the launcher - back in the Properties of your.desktop file go to the Application tab and add your argument(-s) to the Command field after the path to the executable, for example:要将自定义参数 (-s) 添加到启动器 - 回到 your.desktop 文件 go 的Properties中的Application选项卡,并将您的参数 (-s) 添加到可执行文件路径后的Command字段中,例如:

/usr/bin/chromium --profile-directory="Default"

While we are at the Application tab, you may want to change the Name field to something like "Chromium w/args" to help distinguish launchers later on.当我们在“ Application ”选项卡中时,您可能希望将“ Name ”字段更改为“Chromium w/args”之类的内容,以帮助稍后区分启动器。

As an option, you can edit the .desktop file by opening it with a text editor of your preference.作为一个选项,您可以通过使用您喜欢的文本编辑器打开.desktop文件来对其进行编辑。 To edit the launch command, navigate to the [Desktop Entry] group header, under which locate the line starting with Exec= and add custom arguments to it.要编辑启动命令,请导航到[Desktop Entry]组 header,在该组下找到以Exec=开头的行并添加自定义 arguments 到它。

To edit the name of the launcher, under the same header locate lines starting with Name= ( Name[xx_XX]= , eg Name[en_US]= for localized names) and alter them as you wish.要编辑启动器的名称,请在同一 header 下找到以Name=开头的行( Name[xx_XX]= ,例如Name[en_US]=用于本地化名称)并根据需要更改它们。

More information on Desktop Entries can be found in its specification or on ArchWiki有关桌面条目的更多信息可以在其规范ArchWiki中找到

To add your new launcher to the application menus (for the current user) - move .desktop file to the要将新启动器添加到应用程序菜单(针对当前用户) - 将.desktop文件移动到


Now your launcher will be available in Application Launcher and Krunner.现在您的启动器将在 Application Launcher 和 Krunner 中可用。

If you want the new launcher to co-exist with the original (instead of overriding it), you should rename the .desktop file to something like chromium_args.desktop .如果您希望新启动器与原始启动器共存(而不是覆盖它),您应该将.desktop文件重命名为chromium_args.desktop之类的名称。

Run this command at root directory:在根目录运行此命令:

ln -s $PWD ~/Desktop/

Thank me later!晚点再谢我!

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