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c# Asp.Net Core Serilog RequestLoggingMiddleware

[英]c# Asp.Net Core Serilog RequestLoggingMiddleware

I was trying to carry out tests with the Serilog middleware to log the API calls, during the tests they managed to get the following log:我试图使用 Serilog 中间件进行测试以记录 API 调用,在测试期间他们设法获得以下日志:

    "@mt": "HTTP {RequestMethod} {RequestPath} responded {StatusCode} in {Elapsed:0.0000} ms",
    "@r": ["8712.8264"],
    "@t": "2021-03-22T09:55:36.2043022Z",
    "ActionId": "75bdfbf6-3da7-4827-9969-eda23053edf9",
    "ActionName": "WebAPI.Controllers.v1.UserController.Login (WebAPI)",
    "ContentType": null,
    "Elapsed": 8712.8264,
    "EndpointName": "WebAPI.Controllers.v1.UserController.Login (WebAPI)",
    "Host": "localhost:44369",
    "Protocol": "HTTP/1.1",
    "RequestId": "80000002-0002-fb00-b63f-84710c7967bb",
    "RequestMethod": "POST",
    "RequestPath": "/api/v1/User/Login",
    "Scheme": "https",
    "SourceContext": "Serilog.AspNetCore.RequestLoggingMiddleware",
    "StatusCode": 200,
    "request": {
        "$type": "LoginRequest",
        "Email": "email@test.it",
        "Password": "********"

which combines the information of the httpcontext plus the serialization of the request body that I had made in the controller like this:它结合了 httpcontext 的信息加上我在 controller 中所做的请求正文的序列化,如下所示:

public async Task<IActionResult> Login([FromBody]LoginRequest request)
    var requestClone = request.DeepClone();
    requestClone.Password = "********";

    _logger.LogInformation("{@request}", requestClone);
    var user = await _userManager.FindByEmailAsync(request.Email);


this is the middleware registration in Startup Configure:这是 Startup Configure 中的中间件注册:

app.UseSerilogRequestLogging(options =>
    options.EnrichDiagnosticContext = LogHelper.EnrichFromRequest;


and this is the LogHelper.EnrichFromRequest:这是 LogHelper.EnrichFromRequest:

public class LogHelper
    public static void EnrichFromRequest(IDiagnosticContext diagnosticContext, HttpContext httpContext)
        var request = httpContext.Request;

        diagnosticContext.Set("Host", request.Host);
        diagnosticContext.Set("Protocol", request.Protocol);
        diagnosticContext.Set("Scheme", request.Scheme);

        var endpoint = httpContext.GetEndpoint();

        if (endpoint is not null)
            diagnosticContext.Set("EndpointName", endpoint.DisplayName);

            diagnosticContext.Set("QueryString", request.QueryString.Value);

        diagnosticContext.Set("ContentType", httpContext.Response.ContentType);

The problem is that I have made some changes and I can no longer get a log like the previous one.问题是我做了一些更改,我不能再像以前那样得到日志。 Where am I wrong, I just can't understand how it worked this morning and now it doesn't.我哪里错了,我只是不明白今天早上它是如何工作的,现在它没有。 Please help me?请帮我?


this is serilog cofiguration:这是 serilog 配置:

"Serilog": {
"MinimumLevel": {
  "Default": "Information",
  "Override": {
    "Microsoft": "Warning",
    "System": "Warning",
    "IdentityServer4" : "Debug" 
"WriteTo": [
    "Name": "Async",
    "Args": {
      "bufferSize": 1,
      "blockWhenFull": true,
      "configure": [
          "Name": "Logger",
          "Args": {
            "configureLogger": {
              "Filter": [
                  "Name": "ByIncludingOnly",
                  "Args": {
                    "expression": "Contains(SourceContext, 'WebAPI') or Contains(SourceContext, 'Serilog.AspNetCore.RequestLoggingMiddleware')"
              "WriteTo": [
                  "Name": "File",
                  "Args": {
                    "path": "%BASEDIR%/logs/AuthN/log-.log",
                    "formatter": "Serilog.Formatting.Compact.CompactJsonFormatter, Serilog.Formatting.Compact",
                    "rollingInterval": "Day",
                    "retainedFileCountLimit": "7",
                    "buffered" : false 
"Enrich": [ "FromLogContext" ]

} }

eventually, I was able to create the log posted above by simply injecting IDiagnosticContext into the controller instead of ILogger and replacing this:最终,我能够通过简单地将 IDiagnosticContext 注入 controller 而不是 ILogger 并替换它来创建上面发布的日志:

_logger.LogInformation("{@request}", requestClone);

with this:有了这个:

_diagnosticContext.Set("Request", requestClone, true);

I know that in doing so I have a strong dependency between the controller and serilog, but I don't see other solutions.我知道这样做我在 controller 和 serilog 之间有很强的依赖关系,但我没有看到其他解决方案。
Hope it will be useful to someone who has encountered the same problem.希望对遇到同样问题的人有用。
Thank you谢谢

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