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执行 SaveBinaryDirect 后如何覆盖 SharePoint 的修改日期?

[英]How to Overwrite SharePoint's Modified Date after Doing a SaveBinaryDirect?

I can push a file to SharePoint, but the modified date is always equal to the exact time I uploaded it.我可以将文件推送到 SharePoint,但修改日期始终等于我上传的确切时间。 How can I overwrite the modified date to be equal to the value of the file?如何覆盖修改后的日期以等于文件的值? The code below was my failing guess after many searches.下面的代码是我多次搜索后的失败猜测。

Using "TimeLastModified" seems to error as non-existent while "Modified" seems to not error but the subsequent ExecuteQuery then gives an unknown error.使用“TimeLastModified”似乎不存在错误,而“Modified”似乎没有错误,但随后的 ExecuteQuery 会给出未知错误。

    using (var ctx = new ClientContext(DataSharepointSite))
        ctx.AuthenticationMode = ClientAuthenticationMode.Default;
        ctx.Credentials = GetCreds();
        using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(localFile, FileMode.Open))
            Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File.SaveBinaryDirect(ctx, sharepointFile, fs, true);

        // Now somehow set Modified Date to local File's Modified Date
        var file = ctx.Web.GetFileByServerRelativeUrl(sharepointFile);
        ListItem lstItem = file.ListItemAllFields;
        lstItem["TimeLastModified"] = System.IO.File.GetLastWriteTime(localFile).ToUniversalTime();

I was so close.我是如此接近。 Looks like the Load and first ExecuteQuery were also not needed.看起来也不需要 Load 和 first ExecuteQuery。 Now I just don't know if it's read as local or UTC...现在我只是不知道它是读作本地还是 UTC ......

lstItem["Modified"] = System.IO.File.GetLastWriteTime(localFile).ToUniversalTime().ToString();

Try the code snippet to update Modified field:尝试使用代码片段更新 Modified 字段:

        var file = ctx.Web.GetFileByServerRelativeUrl(sharepointFile);
        ListItem lstItem = file.ListItemAllFields;
        lstItem["Modified"] = System.IO.File.GetLastWriteTime(localFile).ToShortDateString();

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