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使用 VBA 中同一工作表中的单元格值重命名 Excel 中的多个工作表

[英]Rename Multiple sheets in Excel with cell value from same sheet in VBA

I am currently working on a VBA project.我目前正在研究 VBA 项目。 I have a workbook with multiple tabs from different workbooks.我有一个工作簿,其中包含来自不同工作簿的多个选项卡。 The names of all the tabs are the same, however since they come from different files, I would like to name them based on the filenames they are extracted from.所有选项卡的名称都是相同的,但是由于它们来自不同的文件,我想根据提取它们的文件名来命名它们。 The filenames are present in the cell EC1 of every tab.文件名存在于每个选项卡的单元格 EC1 中。 I would like to name all the sheets in the workbook based on the value present in cell EC1 of each individual sheet.我想根据每个工作表的单元格 EC1 中存在的值来命名工作簿中的所有工作表。

I have the following code:我有以下代码:

Sub RenameSheet()
    Dim rs As Worksheet
    For Each rs In Sheets
    rs.Name = rs.Range("EC1")
    Next rs
End Sub

I have been getting a 1004 error from the above code.我从上面的代码中得到了 1004 错误。

I tried this code too:我也试过这段代码:

Sub RenameSheet()
    Dim xWs As Worksheet
    Dim xRngAddress As String
    Dim xName As String
    Dim xSSh As Worksheet
    Dim xInt As Integer
    xRngAddress = Application.ActiveCell.Address
    On Error Resume Next
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    For Each xWs In Application.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
        xName = xWs.Range(xRngAddress).Value
        If xName <> "" Then
            xInt = 0
            Set xSSh = Nothing
            Set xSSh = Worksheets(xName)
            While Not (xSSh Is Nothing)
                Set xSSh = Nothing
                Set xSSh = Worksheets(xName & "(" & xInt & ")")
                xInt = xInt + 1
            If xInt = 0 Then
                xWs.Name = xName
                If xWs.Name <> xName Then
                    xWs.Name = xName & "(" & xInt & ")"
                End If
            End If
        End If
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Some sheets do get renamed, however some do not.有些工作表确实被重命名,但有些则没有。 I have checked for duplicate sheet names, and there are none.我检查了重复的工作表名称,但没有。 I have also checked if the filename is in the correct range (cell), and it is present.我还检查了文件名是否在正确的范围(单元格)内,并且它存在。

There might be problems with the value if it contains some special characters.如果该值包含一些特殊字符,则可能存在问题。 The excel sheets can have some restrictions for their names, if thats the problem, my code could be the solution. excel 表的名称可能有一些限制,如果这是问题,我的代码可能是解决方案。 It cuts the string to a maximum length of 31 chars and deletes all the special chars which are not allowed in names.它将字符串剪切到最大长度为 31 个字符,并删除名称中不允许的所有特殊字符。

Sub RenameSheet()

Dim rs As Worksheet

For Each rs In Sheets
sheetName = without_special_chars(rs.Range("EC1").Value)
If Len(sheetName) > 31 Then
    sheetName = Left(sheetName, 31)
End If
rs.Name = sheetName
Next rs

End Sub

Function without_special_chars(text As String) As String
Dim i As Integer
Const special_chars As String = "-.,:;#+ß'*?=)(/&%$§!~\}][{"
For i = 1 To Len(special_chars)
text = Replace(text, Mid(special_chars, i, 1), "")
Next i
without_special_chars = text
End Function

Rename Multiple Worksheets重命名多个工作表

A Quick Fix快速修复

  • Your first code should have been something like this:您的第一个代码应该是这样的:

     Sub renameWorksheetsQF() Dim ws As Worksheet For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets ws.Name = ws.Range("EC1").Value Next ws End Sub

    Note the not so subtile differences.请注意不那么微妙的差异。

In Depth深入

Option Explicit

Sub renameWorksheets()

    On Error GoTo clearError
    Const cAddress As String = "A1" ' "EC1"
    Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook ' workbook containing this code
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim cel As Range
    Dim oName As String
    Dim nName As String
    For Each ws In wb.Worksheets
        oName = ws.Name
        Set cel = ws.Range(cAddress)
        If IsError(cel) Then
            Debug.Print "Cell '" & cAddress & "' in worksheet '" _
                & oName & "' contains the error value '" & cel.Text & "'."
            If IsEmpty(cel) Then
                Debug.Print "Cell '" & cAddress & "' in worksheet '" _
                    & oName & "' is an empty cell."
                nName = CStr(cel.Value)
                On Error GoTo RenameError
                If oName <> nName Then
                    ws.Name = nName
                    Debug.Print "Worksheet '" & oName _
                        & "' had previously been renamed."
                End If
                On Error GoTo clearError
            End If
        End If
    Next ws
    Exit Sub

    Debug.Print "Run-time error '" & Err.Number & "': " & Err.Description
    Debug.Print "     Could not rename '" & oName & "' to '" & nName & "'."
    Resume Next
    Debug.Print "Run-time error '" & Err.Number & "': " & Err.Description
    Debug.Print "     Unexpected error."
    Resume ProcExit
End Sub

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