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“IntrinsicAttributes & MapContainerProps”类型上不存在属性“onClick”

[英]Property 'onClick' does not exist on type 'IntrinsicAttributes & MapContainerProps'

Onclick doesn't work on the mapcontainer, can anyone help with that? Onclick 在地图容器上不起作用,有人可以帮忙吗?

Function handleMapClick: Function手柄图点击:

function handleMapClick(event: LeafletMouseEvent) {
    const { lat, lng } = event.latlng;

      latitude: lat,
      longitude: lng,

MapContainer with onClick:带有 onClick 的 MapContainer:

              style={{ width: '100%', height: 280 }}
import React, { useState } from "react";
import { MapContainer, Marker, TileLayer, useMapEvents } from 'react-leaflet';
import Map from 'react-leaflet';
import { LeafletMouseEvent } from 'leaflet';

import { FiPlus } from "react-icons/fi";

import Sidebar from "../components/Sidebar";
import mapIcon from "../utils/mapIcon";

import '../styles/pages/create-ong.css';

export default function CreateOng() {
  const [position, setPosition] = useState({ latitude: 0, longitude: 0 })

  function handleMapClick(event: LeafletMouseEvent) {
    const { lat, lng } = event.latlng;

      latitude: lat,
      longitude: lng,

  return ( 
    <div id="page-create-ong">
      <Sidebar />

        <form className="create-ong-form">

              style={{ width: '100%', height: 280 }}

              { position.latitude !== 0 
                ? <Marker interactive={false} icon={mapIcon} position={[position.latitude, position.longitude]} />
                : null

            <div className="input-block">
              <label htmlFor="name">Nome</label>
              <input id="name" />

            <div className="input-block">
              <label htmlFor="about">Sobre <span>Máximo de 300 caracteres</span></label>
              <textarea id="name" maxLength={300} />

            <div className="input-block">
              <label htmlFor="images">Fotos</label>

              <div className="uploaded-image">


              <button className="new-image">
                <FiPlus size={24} color="#15b6d6" />


            <div className="input-block">
              <label htmlFor="instructions">Instruções</label>
              <textarea id="instructions" />

            <div className="input-block">
              <label htmlFor="opening_hours">Nome</label>
              <input id="opening_hours" />

            <div className="input-block">
              <label htmlFor="open_on_weekends">Atende fim de semana</label>

              <div className="button-select">
                <button type="button" className="active">Sim</button>
                <button type="button">Não</button>

          <button className="confirm-button" type="submit">

You can add OnClick handler to <MapContainer /> using useMapEvent hook:您可以使用useMapEvent挂钩将OnClick处理程序添加到<MapContainer />

function handleMapClick(event: LeafletMouseEvent) {
  const { lat, lng } = event.latlng;

    latitude: lat,
    longitude: lng,


useMapEvent('click', handleMapClick)

Full example: https://react-leaflet.js.org/docs/example-react-control/完整示例: https://react-leaflet.js.org/docs/example-react-control/

If you are familiar with components in react then use class components.如果您熟悉 react 中的组件,请使用 class 组件。 This is best for changing states of different elements on a webpage这最适合更改网页上不同元素的状态


声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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