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Compose LazyColumn select 一项

[英]Compose LazyColumn select one item

I want to select one item of my LazyColumn and change the textcolor.我想要 select 我的 LazyColumn 中的一项并更改文本颜色。 How is it possible to identify which item is selected?如何确定选择了哪个项目?


val items = listOf(Pair("A", 1), Pair("AA", 144), Pair("BA", 99))
var selectedItem by mutableStateOf(items[0])
LazyColumn {
    this.items(items = items) {
        Row(modifier = Modifier.clickable(onClick = {selectedItem = it}) {
            if (selectedItem == it) {
                Text(it.first, color = Color.Red)
            } else {

Depending how I save it (with remember or without) they just highlight both if I click on one and not just the one I clicked the last.取决于我如何保存它(记住或不记住),如果我单击一个而不是我最后单击的那个,它们只会突出显示两者。

You can use the the .selectable modifier instead of .clickable您可以使用.selectable修饰符而不是.clickable

Something like:就像是:

data class Message(val id: Int,
                   val message : String)
val messages : List<Message> = listOf(...))

val listState = rememberLazyListState()
var selectedIndex by remember{mutableStateOf(-1)}
LazyColumn(state = listState) {
        items(items = messages) { message ->

                text = message.message,
                modifier = Modifier
                        if (message.id == selectedIndex)
                            Color.Red else Color.Yellow
                        selected = message.id == selectedIndex,
                        onClick = { if (selectedIndex != message.id)
                             selectedIndex = message.id else selectedIndex = -1})

In your case you can use:在您的情况下,您可以使用:

var selectedItem by remember{mutableStateOf( "")}
LazyColumn {
    this.items(items = items) {
        Row(modifier = Modifier.selectable(
            selected = selectedItem == it.first,
            onClick = { selectedItem = it.first}
        ) {
            if (selectedItem == it.first) {
                Text(it.first, color = Color.Red)
            } else {

Note that in the accepted answer, all the item views will be recomposed every time the selection changes, because the lambdas passed in onClick and content (of Row ) are not stable ( https://developer.android.com/jetpack/compose/lifecycle#skipping ).请注意,在接受的答案中,每次选择更改时都会重新组合所有项目视图,因为在onClickcontentRow )中传递的 lambdas 不稳定( https://developer.ZC31B323064CE19CA8FCD.com生命周期#skipping )。

Here's one way to do it so that only the deselected and selected items are recomposed:这是一种方法,以便仅重新组合取消选择和选定的项目:

fun ItemView(index: Int, selected: Boolean, onClick: (Int) -> Unit){
        text = "Item $index",
        modifier = Modifier
            .clickable {
            .background(if (selected) MaterialTheme.colors.secondary else Color.Transparent)

fun LazyColumnWithSelection(){
    var selectedIndex by remember { mutableStateOf(0) }
    val onItemClick = { index: Int -> selectedIndex = index}
        modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
        items(100){ index ->
                index = index,
                selected = selectedIndex == index,
                onClick = onItemClick

Note how the arguments passed to ItemView only change for the items that is deselected and newly selected.请注意传递给ItemView的 arguments 如何仅针对取消选择和新选择的项目进行更改。 This is because the onItemClick lambda is the same all the time.这是因为onItemClick lambda 始终相同。

There is a clickable modifier which allows easy detection of a click, and it also provides accessibility features and displays visual indicators when tapped (such as ripples).有一个可点击的修改器,可以轻松检测点击,它还提供辅助功能并在点击时显示视觉指示器(例如涟漪)。

fun ClickableSample() {
  val count = remember { mutableStateOf(0) }
  // content that you want to make clickable
    text = count.value.toString(),
    modifier = Modifier.clickable { count.value += 1 }

For more information see https://developer.android.com/jetpack/compose/gestures有关详细信息,请参阅https://developer.android.com/jetpack/compose/gestures

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