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“未配置身份验证客户端 ID”,我正在使用 azure 为我的应用程序制作 Microsoft 登录页面的反应 SPA。我的错误是什么?

[英]"Authentication Client ID is not configured", I am making a react SPA of a microsoft login page for my application using azure. What is my mistake?

This is what I have done:这就是我所做的:

I added a .env file on the root Level:我在根级别添加了一个.env文件:


Then I added three files under src subfolder.然后我在src子文件夹下添加了三个文件。

Then I changed the code of app.tsx to a new one as I was asked.然后我按照要求将app.tsx的代码更改为新代码。

This is the tutorial I am following . 这是我正在关注的教程

https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/developer/javascript/tutorial/single-page-application-azure-login-button-sdk-msal https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/developer/javascript/tutorial/single-page-application-azure-login-button-sdk-msal

I don't change anythings in project.我不会更改项目中的任何内容。 Just paste client_id into .env file.只需将 client_id 粘贴到.env文件中。

And I also follow the offical doc, create app regidtration, add spa and so on.而且我还按照官方文档,创建应用程序注册,添加水疗等。



My test steps:我的测试步骤:

  1. Download sample peoject code from the link you provided.从您提供的链接下载示例项目代码

  2. Open it by vscode, run cmd npm i .用 vscode 打开它,运行 cmd npm i

  3. Copy and paste clientid into .env file.将 clientid 复制并粘贴到.env文件中。


  4. Then excute cmd npm run start .然后执行 cmd npm run start It works fine.它工作正常。



I was also following the MS tutorial and encountered the same problem.我也在关注 MS 教程并遇到了同样的问题。 What I needed to do was:我需要做的是:

  1. Stop the development server (by pressing [CTRL]+[C])停止开发服务器(按 [CTRL]+[C])
  2. Run npm i (I don't now if this step is needed)运行npm i (我现在不知道是否需要此步骤)
  3. Start the development server again: npm run start再次启动开发服务器: npm run start


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