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Sandcastle 帮助文件生成器崩溃

[英]Sandcastle Help File Builder Crash

When you click the Edit API Filter button (visibility tab), SHFB v2018.7.8.0 crashes.当您单击编辑 API 过滤器按钮(可见性选项卡)时,SHFB v2018.7.8.0 崩溃。

While adding XMLDOC I accidentally wrote this code:在添加 XMLDOC 时,我不小心写了这段代码:

/// [Browsable(false)]

When I fixed it the problem went away.当我修复它时,问题就消失了。 I confirmed that SHFB version 2020.3.6.0 does not crash when it encounters that construct.我确认 SHFB 版本 2020.3.6.0 在遇到该构造时不会崩溃。 Of course, the Browsable attribute doesn't work until you move it out from inside the XMLDOC.当然,Browsable 属性只有在您将其从 XMLDOC 中移出后才会起作用。

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