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3 图表 API 端点 - 匹配后从一列插入到另一列

[英]3 Graph API Endpoints - inserting column from one to another after matching

At the moment, I am querying 2 different Graph API endpoints, getting M365 active user details as well as user detail from the users endpoint, and matching the userPrincipalName to the employeeNumber.目前,我正在查询 2 个不同的 Graph API 端点,从用户端点获取 M365 活动用户详细信息以及用户详细信息,并将 userPrincipalName 与employeeNumber 匹配。 employeeNumber is a value that is currently an extension attribute. employeeNumber 是一个当前是扩展属性的值。

I am trying to query a 3rd Graph API endpoint to get Office activation details:我正在尝试查询 3rd Graph API 端点以获取 Office 激活详细信息:


The logic currently looks like this:目前的逻辑如下所示:

$graphApiUri = "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/reports/getOffice365ActiveUserDetail(period='D90')"
$activationsUri = "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/reports/getOffice365ActivationsUserDetail"

$Uri = "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users?`$select=userPrincipalName,extension_335d2348b8fbb5d75_employeeNumber"

Write-Output "Querying Graph API for Office activations..."

$ActivationReport = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $activationsUri -Headers $headerParams | ConvertFrom-Csv

# If the result is more than 999, we need to read the @odata.nextLink to show more than one side of users
$UserDetails = while (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($uri)) {
    # API Call
    $apiCall = try {
        Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $headerParams -Uri $uri -Method Get
    catch {
        $errorMessage = $_.ErrorDetails.Message | ConvertFrom-Json
    $uri = $null
    if ($apiCall) {
        # Check if any data is left
        $uri = $apiCall.'@odata.nextLink'

$O365Report = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $graphApiUri -Headers $headerParams | ConvertFrom-Csv
Write-Output "Matching UPN to employeeNumber..."

$O365Report | ForEach-Object {
    $CurrentEmpNumber = $UserDetails.value |
        Where-Object userPrincipalName -eq $_.'User Principal Name' |
            Select-Object -ExpandProperty extension_335d2348b8fbb5d75_employeeNumber -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name extension_335d2348b8fbb5d75_employeeNumber -Value $CurrentEmpNumber

$O365Report | Export-Csv $ReportCSV -NoTypeInformation
Write-Output "Report saved to $ReportCSV."

I am trying to simply grab the column called "Last Activation Date" from the getOffice365ActivationsUserDetail report, match it using User Principal Name , and insert into the final CSV output as a separate column.我试图简单地从 getOffice365ActivationsUserDetail 报告中获取名为"Last Activation Date"的列,使用User Principal Name进行匹配,然后将其插入到最终的 CSV output 作为单独的列中。 I am unsure how to proceed, as I already have those members added as part of the previous foreach loop.我不确定如何继续,因为我已经将这些成员添加为前一个 foreach 循环的一部分。 Both reports contain a column with the header "User Principal Name"两个报告都包含一个带有 header "User Principal Name"的列

The call to the Graph API endpoint is as follows:对 Graph API 端点的调用如下:

$ActivationReport = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $activationsUri -Headers $headerParams | ConvertFrom-Csv

Not sure if it is as simple as:不确定它是否像这样简单:

$LAD = $activationReport | Select-Object 'Last Activated Date'

$O365Report | ForEach-Object {
    $CurrentEmpNumber = $UserDetails.value |
        Where-Object userPrincipalName -eq $_.'User Principal Name' |
            Select-Object -ExpandProperty extension_335d2348b8fbb5d75_employeeNumber -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name extension_335d2348b8fbb5d75_employeeNumber -Value $CurrentEmpNumber
    $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Last Activated Date' -Value $LAD

Any guidance would be much appreciated!任何指导将不胜感激!

The code that you have mentioned at the bottom may not work.您在底部提到的代码可能不起作用。 The reason being there is no connection between the $activationReport and $o365 repport原因是 $activationReport 和 $o365 报告之间没有联系

You could use the below snippet to achieve your goal.您可以使用以下代码段来实现您的目标。

 $O365Report | select 'User Principal Name', @{N="EmpNum";E={$tmp=$_.'User Principal Name';($UserDetails|?{$_.'User Principal Name' -eq $tmp}).extension_335d2348b8fbb5d75_employeeNumber}}, @{N="LastActivatedDate";E={$tmp=$_.'User Principal Name';($ActivationReport|?{$_.'User Principal Name' -eq $tmp}).'Last Activated Date'}}


It creates column LastActDate by evaluating the expression它通过评估表达式创建列LastActDate

E={$tmp=$_.'User Principal Name';
($ActivationReport|?{$_.'User Principal Name' -eq $tmp}).'Last Activated Date'}}

Expression Evaluation:表达评估:

It stores the $tmp with the value of User Principal Name of the $O365Report它将$tmp$O365Report的用户主体名称的值一起存储

Then goes to the $ActivationReport filters the user Principal name equal to the $tmp然后转到$ActivationReport过滤用户主体名称等于$tmp

Filtered object.'Last Activated Date'* is stored in the column of the LastActDate过滤后的 object.'Last Activated Date'* 存储在LastActDate的列中

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