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[英]Testing a method which calls another method

I have a method in my service layer:我的服务层中有一个方法:

  public List<String> sortBarcodesByTotalPrice(Set<String> barcodesByBookType) {
        List<String> toSort = new ArrayList<>();
        for (String barcode : barcodesByBookType) {
[1]         String combined = barcode + "/" + priceOperations.calculatePriceByBarcode(barcode);
[2]     toSort.sort(new TotalPriceComparator());
        return toSort;

[1] this line gets barcode, lets say "ABC" and then calls a method in another class which retrieves information from the database about that item, performs calculation and returns the price. [1] 此行获取条形码,假设为"ABC" ,然后调用另一个 class 中的方法,该方法从数据库中检索有关该项目的信息,执行计算并返回价格。 The possible combined value could be something like "ABC/10" .可能的combined值可能类似于"ABC/10"

[2] sorts all the values by price, ascending. [2] 按价格升序对所有值进行排序。 So if List contains and "DEF/15" and "ABC/10" it gets sorted to [0] = "ABC/10" , [1]= "DEF/15" .因此,如果 List 包含"DEF/15""ABC/10" ,它将被排序为[0] = "ABC/10"[1]= "DEF/15"

When I try to test this method, I get null pointer exception when priceOperations.calculatePRiceByBarcode(barode) gets called.当我尝试测试此方法时, priceOperations.calculatePRiceByBarcode(barode)时出现 null 指针异常。 How do I test this method?我如何测试这种方法? I've tried searching and found some questions and answers about using mockito but I can't figure out how to implement this.我尝试搜索并找到了一些关于使用 mockito 的问题和答案,但我不知道如何实现这一点。

my current attempt at testing this method:我目前测试此方法的尝试:

    void sortBarcodesByTotalPrice() {
        Set<String> toSort = new HashSet<>();
        List<String> sorted = bookService.sortBarcodesByTotalPrice(toSort);
        assertEquals(sorted.get(0), "GHI");
        assertEquals(sorted.get(1), "ABC");
        assertEquals(sorted.get(2), "DEF");

EDIT, SOLUTION: I have figured out how to solve this thanks to information from Kaj Hejer .编辑,解决方案:感谢Kaj Hejer提供的信息,我已经想出了如何解决这个问题。 This is my new test method, passing and working as intended, if I understand this correctly:这是我的新测试方法,如果我理解正确的话,可以按预期通过和工作:

    void sortBarcodesByTotalPrice() {

        PriceOperations priceOperations = Mockito.mock(PriceOperations.class);

        Set<String> toSort = new HashSet<>();

        when(priceOperations.calculatePriceByBarcode("GHI")).thenReturn(new BigDecimal("15"));
        when(priceOperations.calculatePriceByBarcode("ABC")).thenReturn(new BigDecimal("10"));
        when(priceOperations.calculatePriceByBarcode("DEF")).thenReturn(new BigDecimal("5"));

        BookService bookService = new BookService(null, null, priceOperations);

        List<String> sorted = bookService.sortBarcodesByTotalPrice(toSort);
        assertEquals(sorted.get(0), "DEF/5");
        assertEquals(sorted.get(1), "ABC/10");
        assertEquals(sorted.get(2), "GHI/15");

First you have to decide what to test where.首先,您必须决定在哪里测试什么。 You might want to have separate tests for BookService and for the PriceOperations class.您可能希望对 BookService 和 PriceOperations class 进行单独的测试。 Now your test are tesing both these classes.现在您的测试正在测试这两个类。

If you want to write a test for the BookService class you can mock the PriceOperations class.如果您想为 BookService class 编写测试,您可以模拟 PriceOperations class。

List<String> sorted = new ArrayList<>();

PriceOperations priceOperations = Mockito.mock(PriceOperations.class);
when(priceOperations. calculatePriceByBarcode(Mockito.<String>anyList())).thenReturn(sorted);

When injecting the PriceOperations into the BookService constructor injection is a smart way of injecting because it make it easier to write tests.将 PriceOperations 注入 BookService 构造函数时,注入是一种聪明的注入方式,因为它使编写测试更容易。 Then you can inject the mocked priceOperations with然后你可以注入模拟的 priceOperations

BookService bookService = new BookService(priceOperations);

Please let me know if this is useful!请让我知道这是否有用!

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