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Typescript 接口中符号的计算密钥

[英]Computed Key from Symbol in Typescript Interface

I'm trying to make this code work:我正在尝试使此代码正常工作:

 const userId: unique symbol = Symbol.for(`urn:${process.env.REACT_APP_ENV_VALUE}:claims/user-id`); interface JwtPayload extends BaseJwtPayload { email: string; [userId]: string; }

However, console.log(userId) gives the value Symbol(urn:dev:claims/user-id) .但是, console.log(userId)给出了值Symbol(urn:dev:claims/user-id)

How can I achieve the following:我怎样才能实现以下目标:

 interface JwtPayload extends BaseJwtPayload { email: string; [`urn:${process.env.REACT_APP_ENV_VALUE}:claims/user-id`]: string; }

without getting the error:没有得到错误:

TS1169: A computed property name in an interface must refer to an expression whose type is a literal type or a 'unique symbol' type.

I guess you mean something like the following:我猜你的意思是这样的:

declare type REACT_APP_ENV_VALUE = "dev" | "production"

type Keys = `urn:${REACT_APP_ENV_VALUE}:claims/user-id`

type ABC = {    
    [key in Keys]: string

If necessary, you could also add a questionmark, so your keys are optional:如有必要,您还可以添加问号,因此您的键是可选的:

type ABC = {    
    [key in Keys]?: string

Example usage:示例用法:

const x : ABC = {
    "urn:dev:claims/user-id": "123"


This uses Template Literal Types这使用模板文字类型

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