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单击时如何创建箭头以滚动到下一个视频? HTML、CSS 和 Javascript 特定

[英]How do I create arrows to scroll to the next video when clicked? HTML, CSS and Javascript specific


How do I achieve the above effect where, when I click the respective arrows it will scroll to reveal the next video?如何实现上述效果,当我单击相应的箭头时,它将滚动显示下一个视频?

I don't have any code to show, this is all for a school project and now I have to make a website based on the wireframes I came up with.我没有任何代码要显示,这都是为了一个学校项目,现在我必须根据我想出的线框制作一个网站。 I've seen this effect on a couple sites but i'm unsure on how to implement it.我已经在几个网站上看到了这种效果,但我不确定如何实现它。 Can't take back the wireframes I've submitted.无法收回我提交的线框图。 Please help.请帮忙。 The videos page is the only bit of my 5 page wireframes that I'm stumped on.视频页面是我 5 页线框图中唯一让我难过的部分。

What you are trying to do is called a vertical carousel.您正在尝试做的事情称为垂直旋转木马。 Try to google something like "vertical image carousel html".尝试用谷歌搜索“垂直图像轮播 html”之类的内容。

I was able to find some advanced Infinite rotating carousel with 100 list items (#cpc-100-list) with good link in comment我能够找到一些带有 100 个列表项 (#cpc-100-list) 的高级无限旋转轮播,并在评论中提供了很好的链接

<!-- Inspired by: https://3dtransforms.desandro.com/carousel -->

and Infinite Carousel with Pure CSS and JS (ELEMENTS)带有纯 CSS 和 JS(元素)的无限轮播

Or a simpler one, already asked on Stack或者更简单的,已经在 Stack 上询问


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