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nestjs mongoose 类型“字符串”不可分配给类型“条件” <leandocument<user> &gt; </leandocument<user>

[英]nestjs mongoose Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'Condition<LeanDocument<User>>

Im using nestjs with mongoose.我将nestjs与mongoose一起使用。 I try to do a simple find query我尝试做一个简单的查找查询

 this.challengesModel.find({ createdBy: userId })

where this.challengesModel is injected like this this.challengesModel 像这样注入的地方

 private readonly challengesModel: Model<Challenge>

but it says但它说

Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'Condition<LeanDocument<User>>'

createdBy is considered as a User object whereas I am giving it a string(userId) How can I still keep the createdBy field as User by search only by the id? createdBy 被认为是用户 object 而我给它一个字符串(userId) 我怎样才能通过仅通过 id 搜索将 createdBy 字段保留为用户?

This is my schema这是我的架构

export class Challenge extends Document {
  @Prop({ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "User" })
  createdBy: User;

  description: string;

  @Prop({ default: new Date() })
  creationTime: Date;

  video: string;

  @Prop({ default: [] })
  likes: string[];

  @Prop({ type: [{ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "User" }] })
  selectedFriends: User[];

  @Prop({ type: [{ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "Reply" }] })
  replies: Reply[];

The createdBy is saved as a unique id of the user (foreign key to the users collection) I am trying to perform a query to find challenges that were created by a user with specific id. createdBy 保存为用户的唯一 ID(用户集合的外键)我正在尝试执行查询以查找由具有特定 ID 的用户创建的挑战。 If I change createdBy to be a string(id) it works, but then I don't get all the user properties, also the nest documentation suggests to create it like I did.如果我将 createdBy 更改为 string(id) 它可以工作,但是我没有获得所有用户属性,nest 文档也建议像我一样创建它。 What should I change in order to be able to do this find without any compliation errors?为了能够在没有任何编译错误的情况下进行此查找,我应该进行哪些更改?


 this.challengesModel.find({ createdBy: userId as any })

This is caused because createdBy isn't a string type.这是因为 createdBy 不是字符串类型。


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