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通过自定义键 function 将列表拆分为列表字典

[英]Splitting list into a dictionary of lists by a custom key function

I implemented a small helper function that splits a list into a dictionary by a custom key function.我实现了一个小助手 function,它通过自定义键 function 将列表拆分为字典。 The following implementation works, but feels rather un-pythonic:以下实现有效,但感觉相当非 Pythonic:

def classify_list_by_key(l, key_func):
    result = defaultdict(list)

    for item in l:

    return result

I tried using the following dict comprehension, which obviously has horrible performance with a lot of unnecessary calls to key_func and quadratic run-time.我尝试使用以下 dict 理解,这显然具有可怕的性能,对key_func和二次运行时进行了很多不必要的调用。

def classify_list_by_key_dict_comprehension(l, key_func):
    return {key_func(x): [y for y in objects if key_func(x) == key_func(y)] for x in l}

Sample in- and output:样品输入和 output:

str_list = "these are some test strings for testing classify_list_by_key function".split()
print(classify_list_by_key(str_list, len))


defaultdict(<class 'list'>, {5: ['these'], 3: ['are', 'for'], 4: ['some', 'test'], 7: ['strings', 'testing'], 20: ['classify_list_by_key'], 8: ['function']})

Is there a better / more pythonic way to achieve this using built-ins or standard library modules?有没有更好/更pythonic的方法来使用内置或标准库模块来实现这一点?

It is possible using groupby from itertools , but it requires a sorted list for that purpose.可以使用itertools中的groupby ,但为此需要一个排序列表。

Here is the code for that:这是代码:

from itertools import groupby
str_list = "these are some test strings for testing classify_list_by_key function".split()
res = {k: list(g) for k, g in groupby(str_list, key=len)}

Output Output

{3: ['are', 'for'], 4: ['some', 'test'], 5: ['these'], 7: ['strings', 'testing'], 8: ['function'], 20: ['classify_list_by_key']}

The following is an alternative implementation which does not force to use a defaultdict:以下是不强制使用 defaultdict 的替代实现:

def classify_list_by_key(l, key_func):
    result = {}

    for item in l:
        result.setdefault(key_func(item), []).append(item)

    return result

str_list = "these are some test strings for testing classify_list_by_key function".split()
print(classify_list_by_key(str_list, len))

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