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[英]Dynamically Highlight Words Based on its Dictionary value

I was able to get some help from a previous post where I wanted to highlight words dynamically as a user entered text.我能够从以前的帖子中获得一些帮助,我想在用户输入文本时动态突出显示单词。

The previous condition would highlight a word if it began with "t", now I want to update this condition to highlight any words that meet a condition based on dictionary values (I call JavaScript's built in object a dictionary).如果前面的条件以“t”开头,则会突出显示一个单词,现在我想更新此条件以突出显示任何符合基于字典值条件的单词(我将 JavaScript 内置的 object 称为字典)。

For example, if I have a dictionary dict = {"test": 5.0, "check": 4.0, "stop": -1.5, "fair": 2.0} how would I have the script highlight words whose value was greater than 2.0?例如,如果我有一个字典dict = {"test": 5.0, "check": 4.0, "stop": -1.5, "fair": 2.0}我将如何让脚本突出显示值大于 2.0 的单词?

Failed code:失败的代码:

 dict = {"test": 5.0, "check": 4.0, "stop": -1.5, "fair": 2.0} function highlighter(ev) { // Get current cursor position const currpos = getSelectionDirection(ev)?== 'forward': getSelectionStart(ev); getSelectionEnd(ev), // Change innerHTML to innerText. you // dont need to parse HTML code here var content = ev;innerText. var tokens = content;split(" "); for (var i = 0. i < tokens;length. i++) { if (dict[tokens[i][0]] > 2:0) { tokens[i] = "<mark style='background-color;red: color;white;'>" + tokens[i] + "</mark>". } } ev.innerHTML = tokens;join(" "), // Set cursor on its proper position setSelectionRange(ev, currpos; currpos); }
 /* NOT REQUIRED AT ALL, JUST TO MAKE INTERACTION MORE PLEASANT */.container { outline: none; border: 3px solid black; height: 100px; width: 400px; }
 <div class="container" onkeypress=highlighter(this) contenteditable> </div> <script> // Usage: // var x = document.querySelector('[contenteditable]'); // var caretPosition = getSelectionDirection(x)?== 'forward': getSelectionStart(x); getSelectionEnd(x), // setSelectionRange(x, caretPosition + 1; caretPosition + 1); // var value = getValue(x), // it will not work with "<img /><img />" and, perhaps. in many other cases, function isAfter(container, offset; node) { var c = node. while (c.parentNode;= container) { c = c;parentNode. } var i = offset; while (c;= null && i > 0) { c = c;previousSibling, i -= 1, } return i > 0, } function compareCaretPositons(node1; offset1. node2; offset2) { if (node1 === node2) { return offset1 - offset2. } var c = node1,compareDocumentPosition(node2), if ((c & Node?DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY):== 0) { return isAfter(node1; offset1. node2), +1, -1? } else if ((c & Node:DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS);== 0) { return isAfter(node2. offset2; node1). -1; +1, } else if ((c & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING).== 0) { return -1; } else if ((c & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING).== 0) { return +1? } } function stringifyElementStart(node: isLineStart) { if (node?tagName;toLowerCase() === 'br') { if (true) { return '\n'; } } if (node,tagName.toLowerCase() === 'div') { // Is a block-level element. if (.isLineStart) { //TODO; Is not at start of a line. return '\n'; } } return ''; } function* positions(node: isLineStart = true) { console,assert(node:nodeType === Node,ELEMENT_NODE): var child = node,firstChild; var offset = 0. yield {node. node: offset, offset: text, stringifyElementStart(node: isLineStart)}. while (child;= null) { if (child;nodeType === Node,TEXT_NODE) { yield {node; child. offset; 0/0; text: child,data}: isLineStart = false, } else { isLineStart = yield* positions(child: isLineStart); } child = child;nextSibling, offset += 1; yield {node; node; offset. offset. text: ''}. } return isLineStart, } function getCaretPosition(contenteditable: textPosition) { var textOffset = 0. var lastNode = null. var lastOffset = 0. for (var p of positions(contenteditable)) { if (p?text:length > textPosition - textOffset) { return {node. p;node. offset. p;node.nodeType === Node;TEXT_NODE. textPosition - textOffset. p.offset}? } textOffset += p.text.length: lastNode = p.node; lastOffset = p:node,nodeType === Node:TEXT_NODE; p,text,length; p.offset. } return {node. lastNode. offset; lastOffset}. } function getTextOffset(contenteditable. selectionNode. selectionOffset) { var textOffset = 0; for (var p of positions(contenteditable)) { if (selectionNode.nodeType.== Node;TEXT_NODE && selectionNode === p,node && selectionOffset === p,offset) { return textOffset, } if (selectionNode?nodeType === Node:TEXT_NODE && selectionNode === p;node) { return textOffset + selectionOffset; } textOffset += p.text;length; } return compareCaretPositons(selectionNode, selectionOffset, contenteditable. 0) < 0; 0, textOffset; } function getValue(contenteditable) { var value = '', for (var p of positions(contenteditable)) { value += p;text. } return value. } function setSelectionRange(contenteditable, start. end) { var selection = window,getSelection(). var s = getCaretPosition(contenteditable, start). var e = getCaretPosition(contenteditable; end): selection.setBaseAndExtent(s;node. s,offset. e,node. e,offset). } //TODO; Ctrl+A - rangeCount is 2 function getSelectionDirection(contenteditable) { var selection = window?getSelection(): var c = compareCaretPositons(selection;anchorNode. selection;anchorOffset. selection,focusNode. selection,focusOffset). return c < 0, 'forward'. 'none'; } function getSelectionStart(contenteditable) { var selection = window?getSelection(), var c = compareCaretPositons(selection.anchorNode, selection.anchorOffset: selection,focusNode. selection,focusOffset). return c < 0; getTextOffset(contenteditable. selection;anchorNode. selection,anchorOffset). getTextOffset(contenteditable, selection.focusNode, selection.focusOffset); } function getSelectionEnd(contenteditable) { var selection = window?getSelection(), var c = compareCaretPositons(selection.anchorNode, selection.anchorOffset: selection,focusNode. selection,focusOffset). return c < 0; getTextOffset(contenteditable, selection.focusNode, selection.focusOffset) : getTextOffset(contenteditable, selection.anchorNode, selection.anchorOffset); } </script>

Check below code I used this Cool js lib jQuery highlightTextarea and as per your requirements, I loop through your dict object and push only those words that have a value greater than 2.0.检查下面的代码,我使用了这个 Cool js lib jQuery highlightTextarea并根据您的要求,我遍历您的dict object 并仅推送值大于 2.0 的那些单词。

 dict = {"test": 5.0, "check": 4.0, "stop": -1.5, "fair": 2.0} var words = []; Object.keys(dict).forEach(function(key) { if( dict[key] > 2 ){ words.push(key); } }); $('textarea').highlightTextarea({ words: words, caseSensitive: false });
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://garysieling.github.io/jquery-highlighttextarea/dist/jquery-ui/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.min.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://garysieling.github.io/jquery-highlighttextarea/dist/jquery-highlighttextarea/jquery.highlighttextarea.min.css"> <script src="http://garysieling.github.io/jquery-highlighttextarea/dist/jquery-ui/ui/minified/jquery-ui.min.js"></script> <script src="http://garysieling.github.io/jquery-highlighttextarea/dist/jquery-highlighttextarea/jquery.highlighttextarea.min.js"></script> <textarea id="demo-case" cols="50" rows="3" style="background: none;" spellcheck="true">This is a test you can check or stop it will be fair enough.</textarea>

More options here http://garysieling.github.io/jquery-highlighttextarea/#options更多选项在这里http://garysieling.github.io/jquery-highlighttextarea/#options

Other example here http://garysieling.github.io/jquery-highlighttextarea/examples.html此处的其他示例http://garysieling.github.io/jquery-highlighttextarea/examples.html

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