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自定义 JRE 与 Java EE(雅加达)

[英]Custom JRE with Java EE(Jakarta)

After added the great feature of Java Module that can run custom JRE for specific application developed and Jakarta for develop the web application or enterprise application which can run Jakarta 9, I can't understanding method to create web application with java? After added the great feature of Java Module that can run custom JRE for specific application developed and Jakarta for develop the web application or enterprise application which can run Jakarta 9, I can't understanding method to create web application with java? the question is if I need java 11(or 8) to create web application and Jakarta 9 do I need the Custom JRE that create with module ?问题是我是否需要 java 11(或 8)来创建 web 应用程序和 Jakarta 9 我是否需要使用模块创建的自定义 JRE?

No, it is no required.不,这不是必需的。 Actually, the spec is silent in the way or application is deployed.实际上,规范在部署应用程序的方式上是沉默的。 Currently, there is no more concept of JRE, using newer JDKs, only JLinked images, where you can select only the modules you need.目前,没有更多的 JRE 概念,使用较新的 JDK,只有 JLinked 映像,您可以 select 仅您需要的模块。 For now, only Java 8 is supported officially, with support for Java 11 coming shortly.目前官方仅支持 Java 8,即将支持 Java 11。

The specification doesn't mention anything about the Java module system.该规范没有提及 Java 模块系统的任何内容。 However, if you want to use modules, you could that a look at the Piranha Cloud project.但是,如果你想使用模块,你可以看看 Piranha Cloud 项目。

https://piranha.cloud https://piranha.cloud

[Disclaimer: Piranha Cloud developer here] [免责声明:食人鱼云开发人员在这里]

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