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Python Discord Bot - 只需从 Python 脚本向频道发送消息

[英]Python Discord Bot - Simply send a message to a channel from a Python Script

I just want to make a Python Discord Bot like this:我只想制作一个 Python Discord 机器人,如下所示:

# Bot
class DiscordBot:
    def __init__(self, TOKEN: str):
    # create / run bot

    def send_msg(self, channel_id: int, message: str):
    # send message to the channel

# Some other Script
my_notifier = DiscordBot("TOKEN")
my_notifier.send_msg(12345, "Hello!")

Is this somehow posssible?这有可能吗? I don't want to wait for any user messages or stuff to send a message.我不想等待任何用户消息或东西发送消息。

UPDATE: I really only want to make the bot send message whenever I call it from a different point in my python files.更新:我真的只想让机器人在我从 python 文件中的不同点调用它时发送消息。 I neither want to send a message on start nor in an intervall.我既不想在开始时也不想在间隔中发送消息。 Just by something like: bot.send_msg(channel, msg)就像这样: bot.send_msg(channel, msg)

If you want your bot to send a message right after its ready.如果您希望您的机器人在准备好后立即发送消息。 You can do this with to on_ready event.您可以使用 to on_ready 事件执行此操作。

client = discord.Client()

async def on_ready():  #  Called when internal cache is loaded

    channel = client.get_channel(channel_id) #  Gets channel from internal cache
    await channel.send("hello world") #  Sends message to channel

client.run("your_token_here")  # Starts up the bot

You may look into the docs from discord.py for more information.您可以查看 discord.py 的文档以获取更多信息。 https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html

If you are looking to send a message after a specific interval, you can use tasks from discord.ext .如果您希望在特定时间间隔后发送消息,则可以使用discord.ext中的tasks

An example of using tasks:使用任务的示例:

import discord
from discord.ext import commands, tasks # Importing tasks here

@task.loop(seconds=300) # '300' is the time interval in seconds.
async def send_message():
    """Sends the message every 300 seconds (5 minutes) in a channel."""
    channel = client.get_channel(CHANNEL_ID)
    await channel.send("Message")

client.run('MY TOKEN')

Basically this function runs every 300 seconds.基本上这个 function 每 300 秒运行一次。

discord.ext.tasks discord.ext.tasks

If you just want to send a message you need a object that implements the abc Messagable.如果您只想发送消息,则需要一个实现 abc Messagable 的 object。 Like (discord.Channel, discord.User, discord.Member)喜欢(discord.Channel、discord.User、discord.Member)

then you can use the send method on them.然后您可以对它们使用 send 方法。 Example:例子:

async def send_msg(channel: discord.Channel, message):
    await channel.send(message)

And just call the function from any other async function.只需从任何其他异步 function 调用 function。

async def foo():
    channel = bot.get_channel(channel_id)
    await send_message(channel, "Hello World")

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