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[英]Updating table layout content as I insert more rows

I have two tables ( pendingTable and approvedTable ) that contain rows of pending and approved transactions.我有两个表( pendingTableapprovedTable ),其中包含待处理和已批准事务的行。 I'm reading the data from Firestore and onComplete I display these transactions in the tableViews , for some reason I can't update the tables as I process the rows, for example: I have 10 transactions, I retrieve them sorted from the Firestore DB, I call a function that inflates a table row view and inserts the data into it and after that, I add the returned row to the table.我正在从 Firestore 和onComplete读取数据我在tableViews中显示这些事务,由于某种原因我无法在处理行时更新表,例如:我有 10 个事务,我从 Firestore DB 中检索它们排序,我调用一个 function 来膨胀表行视图并将数据插入其中,然后将返回的行添加到表中。

What happens is only after I process all the 10 transactions and get all the rows, they are displayed to the screen, but I want as I process them, to display the ready rows so the table will be updating as I process the rows.只有在我处理完所有 10 个事务并获取所有行之后,它们才会显示在屏幕上,但我希望在处理它们时显示准备好的行,以便在处理行时表将更新。

I tried using threads but it's also not working.我尝试使用线程,但它也不起作用。 calling postInvalidate();调用postInvalidate(); or refreshDrawableState();refreshDrawableState(); also doesn't work.也不起作用。

Here are my functions:这是我的功能:

            .orderBy("date", Query.Direction.DESCENDING)
            .addOnCompleteListener(new OnCompleteListener<QuerySnapshot>() {
                public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<QuerySnapshot> task) {
                        int i = 0, j = 0;
                        for(QueryDocumentSnapshot document : task.getResult()){
                            Action action = document.toObject(Action.class);
                                pendingTable.addView(actionRow(action, document.getReference(), j++));
                            } else {
                                approvedTable.addView(actionRow(action, document.getReference(), i++));
                    } else {
                        //Error handling

actionRow function is just creating a row and adding data to it then returns it actionRow function 只是创建一行并向其中添加数据然后返回它

If it's not possible, how can I make it looks more smooth and faster?如果不可能,我怎样才能让它看起来更流畅和更快?

According to the official documentation of getting data from Firestore , when you are using a "get()" call, it means that you are getting the data exactly once.根据 从 Firestore 获取数据的官方文档,当您使用“get()”调用时,这意味着您只获取了一次数据。 That's the reason why when you add new data, is not added to your view.这就是为什么当您添加新数据时,不会将其添加到您的视图中。 If you want to get the data in real-time for every change that takes place, then you should listen for real-time updates .如果您想实时获取发生的每个更改的数据,那么您应该收听实时更新

There is also a library that can help y ou achieve that, which is called Firebase-UI for Android .还有一个库可以帮助您实现这一目标,它被称为Firebase-UI for Android So check the documentation, as it has a really easy implementation.因此,请查看文档,因为它的实现非常简单。

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