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[英]Priority Queue based on Link List

The method,,add_by_priority" gives me segmentation fault, i know that the problem occurs in the,,get_prio" method.方法,,add_by_priority" 给了我分段错误,我知道问题出现在,,get_prio" 方法中。 I tried to solve it or search if it works anywhere else, and for example outside the,,if" statement it compiles just fine. Also i don't know if i did the whole algorithm of priority insertion correctly(especially 2 lines after while loop)我试图解决它或搜索它是否可以在其他任何地方工作,例如在“,,if”语句之外它编译得很好。另外我不知道我是否正确地完成了优先级插入的整个算法(尤其是 while 之后的 2 行环形)

        #ifndef SNODE_H
        #define SNODE_H
        #include <iostream>
        template<typename TYPE>
        class SNode
        TYPE _elem; //value of element
        SNode<TYPE>* _next_elem; //connection to next node
        int _prio; //priority
        SNode(const TYPE & elem, const SNode<TYPE>* next_elem, const int prio);
        TYPE &get_elem();
        SNode<TYPE>* get_next_elem();
        int &get_prio();
        void set_elem(const TYPE & elem);
        void set_next_elem(SNode<TYPE>& next_elem);
        void set_priority(const int & prio);
        bool operator<(SNode<TYPE> & Node);
        bool operator>(SNode<TYPE> & Node);

    #ifndef LINKED_LIST
    #define LINKED_LIST
    #include <iostream>
    #include "SNode.h"
    template<typename TYPE>
    class LinkedList
    SNode<TYPE>* head;
    LinkedList(); //konstruktor bezparametryczny
    void add_by_priority(const TYPE& Node, const int &prio);
    void removeFront();
    void addFront(const TYPE& Node, const int &prio);
    const TYPE & front() const;
    bool empty() const;
    void print();

    #include "SNode.h"
    template<typename TYPE>
    template<typename TYPE>
    SNode<TYPE>::SNode(const TYPE & elem, const SNode<TYPE>* next_elem, const int prio)
    next_elem= NULL;
    _prio = prio;
    template<typename TYPE>
    TYPE &SNode<TYPE>::get_elem()
        return _elem;
    template<typename TYPE>
    SNode<TYPE>* SNode<TYPE>::get_next_elem()
        return _next_elem;
    template<typename TYPE>
    int &SNode<TYPE>::get_prio()
        return _prio;
    template<typename TYPE>
    void SNode<TYPE>::set_elem(const TYPE & elem)
    template<typename TYPE>
    void SNode<TYPE>::set_next_elem( SNode<TYPE>& next_elem)
    _next_elem = &next_elem;
    template<typename TYPE>
    void SNode<TYPE>::set_priority(const int & prio)
    _prio = prio;
    template<typename TYPE>
    bool SNode<TYPE>::operator<(SNode<TYPE> & Node) 
    if((*this).get_prio() > Node.get_prio())
        return true;
    return false;
    template<typename TYPE>
    bool SNode<TYPE>::operator>(SNode<TYPE> & Node)
    return !(*this<Node);

    #include <iostream>
    #include "LinkedList.h"
    //inicjuje obiekt ktory nie poakzuje na nic (NULL)
    template<typename TYPE>
        head = nullptr; 
    //zwraca 1 element listy
    template<typename TYPE>
    const TYPE & LinkedList<TYPE>::front() const
        return head->get_elem();
    template<typename TYPE>
    void LinkedList<TYPE>::addFront(const TYPE& Node, const int &prio) 
        SNode<TYPE>* temp = new SNode<TYPE>; //tworzymy nowa zmienna do, ktorej przypiszemy wartosc podanego argumentu
        temp->set_elem(Node); //podpisujemy wartosc
        temp->set_priority(prio); //podpisujemy priority
        temp->set_next_elem(*head); //podpisuje pod adres aktualnego poczatku
        head = temp; //nowa inicjalizacja poczatku temp staje sie head
    template<typename TYPE>
    void LinkedList<TYPE>::removeFront() 
        SNode<TYPE>* temp = head; //tworzymy zmienna ktora pokazuje na head zeby nie zgubic pamieci head
        head = head->get_next_elem(); //przestawiamy head na nastepny element
    delete temp; //usuwamy pamiec ktora byla pod head
    template<typename TYPE>
    void LinkedList<TYPE>::print()
    SNode<TYPE>* tmp = head; //podpisanie zmiennej pod wartosc i adres head(by od pcozatku printowac liste)
    while(tmp->get_next_elem() !=nullptr ) //jesli lista nie jest pusta
            std::cout << tmp->get_elem() << std::endl;  //print wartosc pod adresem tmp
            tmp = tmp->get_next_elem(); //przestaw na kolejne miejsce
        std::cout << tmp->get_elem() <<std::endl;
    template<typename TYPE>
    bool LinkedList<TYPE>::empty() const
    if(head == nullptr) //jesli head nie pokazuje na NULL true
        return true;
        return false; //jesli head jest NULL to nie ma elementow bo nic na nic nie pokazuje
    template<typename TYPE>
    void LinkedList<TYPE>::add_by_priority(const TYPE& Node, const int &prio)
    SNode<TYPE>* start_temp; //zmienna pomocnicza by wyszukac odpowiednie miejsce 
    SNode<TYPE>* temp = new SNode<TYPE>; 
    start_temp = head; //ustaw zmienna na head (poczatek listy)
    temp->set_elem(Node); //podpisujemy wartosc
    temp->set_priority(prio); //podpisujemy priority
        if(prio < head->get_prio() || head == nullptr) //jesli head ma wiekszy prio niz nowe podane prio lub lista jest puste

                temp->set_next_elem(*head); // pod temp podpisz head
                head = temp; //temp staje sie head (wstawienie Node) utworzenie i wstawienie nowego node z wyzszym priorytetem

                while(start_temp->get_next_elem() != nullptr && start_temp->get_next_elem()->get_prio() < prio) //rob dopoki nie skonczy sie lista 
                {                                                                                     //lub znajdzie priorytet wiekszy od obecnego 
                    start_temp = start_temp->get_next_elem(); //przejdz na kolejny element listy
        temp->set_next_elem(*start_temp->get_next_elem()); //wez nastepny element(petla zakonczyla sie element wczesniej)
        start_temp->set_next_elem(*temp); //ustawia nowy node w poprawnie wybranym miejscu

    #include <iostream>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <fstream>
    #include <string.h>
    #include "LinkedList.cpp"
    #include "SNode.h"
    template<typename TYPE>
    struct Mess_prio
    int _key;
    TYPE _mess;
    int main()
    int value,size,prio;
    LinkedList<int> list;
    std::cout << " Pass list size: " <<std::endl;
    std::cin >> size;
    std::cout << std::endl;
    for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
    std::cout << "Enter the value: " << std::endl;
    std::cin >> value;
    std::cout << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Enter the priority: " << std::endl;
    std::cin >> prio;
    std::cout << std::endl;

You have several bugs in your code:您的代码中有几个错误:

template<typename TYPE>

Does not initialize _next_elem, leaves it in an invalid state.不初始化 _next_elem,将其留在无效的 state 中。 It is not necessarily null after this constructor runs.此构造函数运行后不一定是 null。

template<typename TYPE>
SNode<TYPE>::SNode(const TYPE & elem, const SNode<TYPE>* next_elem, const int prio)
    next_elem= NULL;
    _prio = prio;

Here you do set it to null but you are setting the function argument, not the member, and you never read from the function argument.在这里,您确实将其设置为 null 但您设置的是 function 参数,而不是成员,并且您从未从 function 参数中读取。 _next_elem is uninitialized after this constructor too. _next_elem 在此构造函数之后也未初始化。

template<typename TYPE>
void SNode<TYPE>::set_next_elem( SNode<TYPE>& next_elem)
    _next_elem = &next_elem;

Here you're storing the address of an object you only know was alive when the function was called.在这里,您存储了 object 的地址,您只知道在调用 function 时它还活着。 There's no easy way to detect if the provided next_elem's lifetime has ended, and your pointer is dangling.没有简单的方法来检测提供的 next_elem 的生命周期是否已经结束,并且您的指针悬空。 But assume that's a possibility.但假设这是一种可能性。

template<typename TYPE>
bool SNode<TYPE>::operator<(SNode<TYPE> & Node) 
    if((*this).get_prio() > Node.get_prio())
        return true;
    return false;

A more "natural" way to write this is:一种更“自然”的写法是:

// suggestion
template<typename TYPE>
bool SNode<TYPE>::operator<(SNode<TYPE> & Node) 
    return this->get_prio() > Node.get_prio();

And another problem in LinkedList code LinkedList 代码中的另一个问题

template<typename TYPE>
    head = nullptr; 

template<typename TYPE>
void LinkedList<TYPE>::addFront(const TYPE& Node, const int &prio) 

Here, if you create a LinkedList, head is nullptr, but if you try to addFront on this list, suddenly you dereference null.在这里,如果你创建一个 LinkedList,head 是 nullptr,但是如果你尝试在这个列表上添加Front,突然你取消引用 null。

I'm stopping here.我停在这里。 Be careful with your addresses, pointers, lifetimes, and so on.请注意您的地址、指针、生命周期等。

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