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模拟了一个返回 true 的方法仍然返回 false

[英]Mocked a method to return true still returns false

I have a controller method like this:我有一个像这样的 controller 方法:

public class ValuesController : Controller
    private readonly IService fService;
    public ValuesController( IService fService)
        this.fService = fService;            

    public IActionResult InsertDetails( [FromForm]Details details, IFormFile file)
        bool result = fService.SaveDetails(details, file);
        return OK();

The test case to test this controller is as below:测试此 controller 的测试用例如下:

public class ValuesControllerTests
     readonly Mock<IService> mockService = new Mock<IService>();
     public void SaveDetails_Test_Success()
         var details = GetMockDetails(); // gets the sample DTO values
         mockService.Setup(x => x.SaveDetails(details, GetFile())).Returns(true); ---- this is returning false even after mocking the value
         var controller = new ValuesController(mockService.Object);
         controller.ControllerContext.HttpContext = new DefaultHttpContext();
         var res = controller.InsertDetails(details, GetFile()) as OkObjectResult;
         Assert.AreEqual("File Details Saved Successfully", res.Value.ToString());
         Assert.AreEqual(200, res.StatusCode);

     IFormFile GetFile()
         return new FormFile(new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("This is a dummy file")), 0, 0, "Data", "dummy.txt");

Even though I mocked the method SaveDetails to return true , it always returns false .即使我模拟了SaveDetails方法返回true ,它总是返回false
Can anyone tell me what am I doing wrong here?谁能告诉我我在这里做错了什么? Many thanks.非常感谢。

The expectation was setup with a different IFormFile (reference/instance) than the one that was used when invoking the member under test.期望是使用与调用被测成员时使用的不同的IFormFile (引用/实例)设置的。 This causes the mock to return the default value of the invoked member, which is false since it is a boolean.这会导致模拟返回被调用成员的默认值,这是false的,因为它是 boolean。

When GetFile() is invoked, it returns a new instance every time.调用GetFile()时,它每次都会返回一个新实例。

So either use the same instance, like was done with details所以要么使用相同的实例,就像用details做的那样

public void SaveDetails_Test_Success() {
    Details details = GetMockDetails();
    IFormFile file = GetFile(); //single instance
    mockService.Setup(x => x.SaveDetails(details, file)).Returns(true); //used here
    ValuesController controller = new ValuesController(mockService.Object);
    controller.ControllerContext.HttpContext = new DefaultHttpContext();
    var res = controller.InsertDetails(details, file) as OkObjectResult; //and here
    Assert.AreEqual("File Details Saved Successfully", res.Value.ToString());
    Assert.AreEqual(200, res.StatusCode);

Or loosen up the expectation using argument matchers like It.IsAny<>()或者使用像It.IsAny<>()这样的参数匹配器来放松期望

public void SaveDetails_Test_Success() {
    Details details = GetMockDetails();
    mockService.Setup(x => x.SaveDetails(details, It.IsAny<IFormFile>())).Returns(true); //<-- NOTE
    ValuesController controller = new ValuesController(mockService.Object);
    controller.ControllerContext.HttpContext = new DefaultHttpContext();
    var res = controller.InsertDetails(details, GetFile()) as OkObjectResult; 
    Assert.AreEqual("File Details Saved Successfully", res.Value.ToString());
    Assert.AreEqual(200, res.StatusCode);

The problem with your Setup is that it is too specific.您的Setup的问题是它太具体了。
Please bear mind that parameter matching is based on reference check in case of classes.请记住,参数匹配基于类的参考检查。

      .Setup(service => service.SaveDetails(It.IsAny<Details>(), It.IsAny<IFormFile>()))

If you would like verify the call then you need to如果您想验证通话,那么您需要
save the result of the GetFile and then make the assertion:保存GetFile的结果,然后进行断言:

public void SaveDetails_Test_Success()
    var details = GetMockDetails(); 
    var file = GetFile(); //same instance is used everywhere

      .Setup(x => x.SaveDetails(It.IsAny<Details>(), It.IsAny<IFormFile>()))

    var controller = new ValuesController(mockService.Object);
    controller.ControllerContext.HttpContext = new DefaultHttpContext();
    var result = controller.InsertDetails(details, file);
    var res = Assert.IsAssignableForm<OkObjectResult>(result); //Here we test the assignability as well
    Assert.AreEqual("File Details Saved Successfully", res.Value.ToString());
    //Assert.AreEqual(200, res.StatusCode); //This assert is unnecessary

      .Verify(x => x.SaveDetails(details, file), Times.Once); 

Instead of casting the response of the controller's action to OkObjectResult I would recommend to assert that as well.我建议不要将控制器操作的响应强制转换为OkObjectResult ( Just like I did in the above test case ) 就像我在上面的测试用例中所做的那样

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