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我可以一起使用:Zipkin、Sleuth、MDC、ELK、Jaeger 吗?

[英]Can I use together: Zipkin, Sleuth, MDC, ELK, Jaeger?

I really read many articles.我真的读了很多文章。 I figure out that need to just include a starters in spring boot )))我发现只需要在 spring 引导中包含一个启动器)))

Can anyone sort it out: is Sleuth create MDC (Mapped Diagnostic Context)?任何人都可以解决它:Sleuth 创建 MDC(映射诊断上下文)吗? Is sleuth create a record's ID which used by Zipkin?侦探是否创建了 Zipkin 使用的记录 ID? Can I see this ID in Kibana?我可以在 Kibana 中看到这个 ID 吗? Or do I need to use zipkin API?还是我需要使用zipkin API? Are there best practice to use all of this together?是否有将所有这些结合使用的最佳实践? Is Jaeger substitute both Zipkin and Sleuth or how? Jaeger 是同时替代 Zipkin 和 Sleuth 还是如何替代?

Yes you can, and I have shown that numerous times during my presentations ( https://toomuchcoding.com/talks ) and we describe it extensively in the documentation ( https://docs.spring.io/spring-cloud-sleuth/docs/current/reference/html/ ). Yes you can, and I have shown that numerous times during my presentations ( https://toomuchcoding.com/talks ) and we describe it extensively in the documentation ( https://docs.spring.io/spring-cloud-sleuth/ docs/current/reference/html/ )。 Sleuth will set up your logging pattern which you can then parse and visualize using the ELK stack. Sleuth 将设置您的日志记录模式,然后您可以使用 ELK 堆栈对其进行解析和可视化。 Sleuth takes care of tracing context propagation and can send the spans to a span storage (eg Zipkin or Jaeger). Sleuth 负责跟踪上下文传播,并可以将 span 发送到 span 存储(例如 Zipkin 或 Jaeger)。 Sleuth does take care of updating the MDC for you. Sleuth 确实会为您更新 MDC。 Please always read the documentation and the project page before filing a question在提出问题之前,请务必阅读文档和项目页面

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