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Typescript 接口值作为枚举或记录

[英]Typescript interface value as enum or Record

Suppose I have some object that could have either key as string and value as either enum or object with key and value as enum.假设我有一些 object 可以将key作为字符串,将value作为enum或 object,将键和值作为枚举。


export enum ERRORS {
  ERROR1 = 'Error1',
  ERROR2 = 'Error2',

export type ErrorType = 'blue' | 'green';

export interface ErrorByCode {
  [key: string]: ERRORS | Record<ErrorType, ERRORS>;


const ERRORS_BY_CODE: ErrorByCode = {
  default: ERRORS.ERROR1,
  '01': ERRORS.ERROR2,

  '2': {
    blue: ERRORS.ERROR1,
    green: ERRORS.ERROR2,

const errorResolver = ({code, type}: {code: string; type: ERRORS}) => {
    const errorMessage =
    (ERRORS_BY_CODE?.[code] || ERRORS_BY_CODE?.[code]?.[type]) ??

    return errorMessage

console.log(errorResolver({code: '01', type: 'blue'}))

But I've got ts error under ERRORS_BY_CODE?.[code]?.[type] Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type 'ErrorType' can't be used to index type 'ERRORS |但是我在ERRORS_BY_CODE?.[code]?.[type]下出现 ts 错误,因为“ErrorType”类型的表达式不能用于索引类型“ERRORS | Record<ErrorType, ERRORS>'.记录<错误类型,错误>'。 Property 'blue' does not exist on type 'ERRORS_BY_CODE |类型 'ERRORS_BY_CODE | 上不存在属性'蓝色' Record<InsuranceType, ERROR_COMPONENTS>'.记录<InsuranceType,ERROR_COMPONENTS>'。

The compiler does not expect anyone to try to index into a string (which ERRORS is) with a key like "blue" , and it does not allow it.编译器不希望任何人尝试使用"blue"之类的键对stringERRORS是)进行索引,并且它不允许这样做。 It will consider that property to be of type any , and give a compile error:它将认为该属性的类型为any ,并给出编译错误:

function nope(str: string) {
    str.blue // error! Property 'blue' does not exist on type 'string'

If a value is of a type which is a union of string and something else, the compiler will also be unhappy about such an indexing, since it might be a string for all it knows:如果一个值的类型是string和其他东西的联合,编译器也会对这样的索引不满意,因为它可能是它所知道的所有string

function stillNope(uni: string | { blue: number }) {
    uni.blue // error! Property 'blue' does not exist on type 'string'

Optional chaining does not fix this. 可选链接不能解决这个问题。 You are not allowed to access an unknown property on an object even if you use ?.即使您使用?. instead of .而不是. . . This prohibition is intentional;这种禁止是故意的; see microsoft/TypeScript#33736 for more information.有关详细信息,请参阅microsoft/TypeScript#33736

If you want to access a property on a union type where at least one of the members of the union is not known to have that property, you will need to use some other form of type guarding.如果要访问联合类型上的属性,其中至少有一个联合成员不知道具有该属性,则需要使用其他形式的类型保护。 One way is to use typeof guarding :一种方法是使用typeof保护

function typeofGuard(
  uni: ERRORS | { blue: ERRORS, green: ERRORS }, 
  type: ErrorType
) {
    const errors = typeof uni === "string" ? uni : uni[type];

The other possibility is to represent your union as one where each member of the union has known behavior at the ErrorType keys.另一种可能性是将您的工会表示为工会的每个成员在ErrorType键上都有已知行为的工会。 Instead of ERRORS , which is a string with no known behavior at ErrorType , you can make it ERRORS & {[P in ErrorType]?: undefined } .而不是ERRORS ,这是一个在ErrorType没有已知行为的string ,您可以将其设为ERRORS & {[P in ErrorType]?: undefined } Meaning: it is ERRORS , and if you index into it with an ErrorType key, you will get an undefined property.含义:它是ERRORS ,如果您使用ErrorType键对其进行索引,您将获得一个undefined的属性。 This makes your error go away also:这也会使您的错误 go 消失:

function exclusiveUnion(
    uni: (ERRORS & { [P in ErrorType]?: undefined }) | (Record<ErrorType, ERRORS>),
    type: ErrorType
) {
    const errors = uni[type]; // ERRORS | undefined

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