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[英]Multi-monitor support?

My PC has 4 monitors and I'd like to use 2 of them on VMware Workstation, so that its displays be maximized.我的 PC 有 4 台显示器,我想在 VMware Workstation 上使用其中的 2 台,以使其显示最大化。 But it seems that it doesn't support using more than 1 display.但它似乎不支持使用超过 1 个显示器。 At least it doesn't have option to add new display, and I didn't find it on its docs.至少它没有添加新显示的选项,而且我没有在它的文档中找到它。

Unity isn't an option, because my main use case would be having Win10 as host and Linux with Gnome as guest, and I wanna use Gnome features because it has productivity than Windows. Unity 不是一个选项,因为我的主要用例是将 Win10 作为主机,将 Linux 和 Gnome 作为来宾,我想使用 Gnome 功能,因为它比 Windows 具有生产力。 So it wouldn't work to bring Linux windows to Win10.所以把Linux windows带到Win10是行不通的。

Should be available as a settings in: VM Settings > Hardware > Display应作为设置提供:VM 设置 > 硬件 > 显示

You can either set the VM to default to whatever the host system is using or to a specific amount.您可以将 VM 设置为默认主机系统正在使用的任何内容或特定数量。

Here's the docs for it: Configure Monitor for VM with Workstation这是它的文档: Configure Monitor for VM with Workstation

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