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如何重用 Qbs 项目的属性?

[英]How to reuse properties of a Qbs project?

How two projects, a CppApplication and a DynamicLibrary, would reuse the properties defined in a base Product project? CppApplication 和 DynamicLibrary 这两个项目如何重用基础产品项目中定义的属性? I seems inheritance is a solution but checking https://doc.qt.io/qbs/language-introduction.html#reusing-project-file-code it didn't help.我似乎 inheritance 是一个解决方案,但检查https://doc.qt.io/qbs/language-introduction.html#reusing-project-code它没有帮助I would like something like this:我想要这样的东西:

// common.qbs ------------------------------------
    Properties {
        condition: qbs.toolchain.contains("clang")
        cpp.defines: ["COMPILER_CLANG"]
    Properties {
        condition: qbs.toolchain.contains("gcc")
        cpp.defines: ["COMPILER_GCC"]
    Group {
        name: "Common files"
        files: [

// project.qbs ------------------------------------
import "common.qbs" as Common

// app.qbs
CppApplication <inherits> Common
    cpp.defines: outer.concat("APP")

// dll.qbs
DynamicLibray <inherits> Common
    cpp.defines: outer.concat("DLL")

There is no multiple inheritance, so basically you have two choices: Either declare the properties in a project that both products know (eg the top-level project), or use a project-specific module.没有多个 inheritance,所以基本上你有两个选择:要么在两个产品都知道的项目中声明属性(例如顶级项目),要么使用特定于项目的模块。

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