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单击 pyvis.network //.networkx 中的节点时,如何设置其他边不可见?

[英]How can I set other edges invisible when I click on a node in pyvis.network // networkx?

Data: Currently I am working on a quite big.network.数据:目前我在一个相当大的网络上工作。 Therefore I am sending a picture of a part of nodes and edges.因此,我发送了一部分节点和边缘的图片。 在此处输入图像描述

pos = nx.nx_agraph.graphviz_layout(G, prog="twopi")
Xs=[a[0] for a in pos.values()]
Ys=[a[1] for a in pos.values()]

from pyvis.network import Network
  • What I am trying to do is setting other edges invisible when I click on a node.我想要做的是在单击节点时将其他边缘设置为不可见。 For example, if I click on 'node A', I just want to see just the node A's edges.*例如,如果我点击“节点 A”,我只想看到节点 A 的边缘。*


What can I do to create this?我能做些什么来创建这个?

If I can understand correctly, you want to hide certain edges after selection of particular node.如果我能理解正确的话,你想在选择特定节点后隐藏某些边缘。 I do not quite understand the.network image, however I am assuming there is a certain node A that you need to add separately or a list of nodes with the functionality:我不太了解 .network 图像,但是我假设您需要单独添加某个节点 A或具有以下功能的节点列表:

Since Pyvis is build on top of Visjs these are the interaction-configurations available under the.network: https://visjs.github.io/vis.network/docs.network/interaction.html由于 Pyvis 是建立在 Visjs 之上的,因此这些是.network 下可用的交互配置: https://visjs.github.io/vis.network/docs.network/interaction.html

I cannot see any hide edges option.我看不到任何隐藏边缘选项。 However you can use these two -但是你可以使用这两个 -

*#Boolean   *true*  
#When true, on selecting a node, its connecting edges are highlighted.*


#Boolean    **true**    
#When true, on hovering over a node, it's connecting edges are highlighted

Working notebook - https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1S3zpSotmAhwx_8Qo81vvTk_egpNpStPu?usp=sharing工作笔记本 - https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1S3zpSotmAhwx_8Qo81vvTk_egpNpStPu?usp=sharing

例子 Here is a sample code这是一个示例代码

#!pip install pyvis
import pyvis
from pyvis import network
from pyvis.network import Network

G = Network(height='400px', width='80%', bgcolor='white', notebook=True, 
font_color ='black')


options = {
                  "size": 50,
                  "springLength": 50,
                  "springConstant": 0.7,
                  "damping": 3,
                  "avoidOverlap": 10
               "selectConnectedEdges": True




import IPython
IPython.display.HTML(filename= r"/content/sample.html")

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