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Grafana 名称不正确

[英]Grafana does not exist correctly name

I'm setting up a monitoring of Swarm using Grafana and Prometheus, I followed this link: https://dockerswarm.rocks/swarmprom/我正在使用 Grafana 和 Prometheus 设置 Swarm 的监控,我点击了这个链接: https://dockerswarm.rocks/swarmprom/

Everything working, except the display of the names.一切正常,除了名称的显示。

As you can see below.正如你在下面看到的。 No name, node or container is displayed correctly.没有正确显示名称、节点或容器。

https://i.stack.imgur.com/ckHjR.png https://i.stack.imgur.com/Wposu.png https://i.stack.imgur.com/ckHjR.png https://i.stack.imgur.com/Wposu.png

Where can I configure this?我在哪里可以配置这个?


If you edit the panel, just below where the query of the graph is writen there's a field named Legend where you can write what you want.如果您编辑面板,就在图表查询的下方有一个名为Legend的字段,您可以在其中编写您想要的内容。


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