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fail2ban 和特定的 RegEx

[英]fail2ban and specific RegEx

I'd need help for a fail2ban filter that should match on failed login attempts within openHAB.我需要一个 fail2ban 过滤器的帮助,它应该与 openHAB 中的失败登录尝试匹配。

06-Apr.-2021 18:49:52.726 [WARN ] [core.io.http.auth.internal.AbstractAuthPageServlet] - Authentication failed: Wrong password for user UserThatFailedLogin

06-Apr.-2021 19:41:11.456 [WARN ] [core.io.http.auth.internal.AbstractAuthPageServlet] - Authentication failed: User not found: UserThatFailedLogin

These are both examples for log entries for A) wrong password and B) not-existing users.这些都是 A) 错误密码和 B) 不存在用户的日志条目示例。

I've played around https://regex101.com and came up with the following RegEx (first touchpoint for me);我玩过https://regex101.com并想出了以下 RegEx(我的第一个接触点);

(\bAuthentication failed: Wrong password\b|\bAuthentication failed: User not found\b)

While it matches in the regex101-tool for above mentioned example log-entries, unfortunately I don't see any matches in fail2ban.虽然它在 regex101-tool 中匹配上述示例日志条目,但不幸的是,我在 fail2ban 中没有看到任何匹配项。

If you could help me out here, it would be highly appreciated, many thanks in advance!如果您能在这里帮助我,将不胜感激,在此先感谢您!

What exactly do you want ban?你到底想禁止什么?

Firstly, both messages from your example do not contain any identifier to be banned - neither IP, not something else excepting the username.首先,您的示例中的两条消息均不包含任何要被禁止的标识符 - IP 和除用户名之外的其他内容。 It is possible to ban everything, but you surely won't ban username.可以禁止所有内容,但您肯定不会禁止用户名。

Then you'd need to provide a custom datepattern , it will be something like below (just I'm not sure the month token would always match (because it has here . after it).然后你需要提供一个自定义的datepattern ,它将如下所示(只是我不确定月份标记是否总是匹配(因为它在这里有. )。

So assuming we had an IP address after failed , like this:所以假设我们在failed之后有一个 IP 地址,如下所示:

06-Apr.-2021 18:49:52.726 [WARN ] [core.io.http.auth.internal.AbstractAuthPageServlet] - Authentication failed from Wrong password for user UserThatFailedLogin
06-Apr.-2021 19:41:11.456 [WARN ] [core.io.http.auth.internal.AbstractAuthPageServlet] - Authentication failed from User not found: UserThatFailedLogin

your filter could look like here:您的过滤器可能如下所示:

datepattern = %%d-%%b\.-%%Y %%H:%%M:%%S\.%%f
failregex = ^\s*\[WARN\s*\] \[core.io.http.auth.internal.AbstractAuthPageServlet\] - Authentication failed from <ADDR>: (?:Wrong password for user|User not found:) <F-USER>\S+</F-USER>

But without any identifier to ban, hmmm...但是没有任何标识符可以禁止,嗯...

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