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从 FirebaseFirestore 查询数据不起作用

[英]Query data from FirebaseFirestore not working

I want to query the data in a collection in Firestore.我想查询 Firestore 集合中的数据。 This is the code I used in initState:这是我在 initState 中使用的代码:

  void initState() {
    var nws;
      .then((QuerySnapshot querySnapshot) {
        querySnapshot.docs.forEach((doc) {
        nws = doc["news"] // PRINT STATEMENT 1 
    print(nws); // PRINT STATEMENT 2

The issue I am facing is that PRINT STATEMENT 1 is correctly printing the data in Firestore but PRINT STATEMENT 1 is printing null .我面临的问题是PRINT STATEMENT 1正在 Firestore 中正确打印数据,但PRINT STATEMENT 1正在打印 null What is my mistake?我的错误是什么? I want to use nws in a Text Widget.我想在文本小部件中使用 nws。

var news;
void getFirebaseData() async {
await FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection("News").get().then((querySnapshot) {
  querySnapshot.docs.forEach((result) {
    setState(() {
      news = result.data();
print("***2***" +  news['news'].toString());

Let me know if this works out, It's tested and working.让我知道这是否可行,它已经过测试并且可以正常工作。 You should handle null values I would suggest adding a null value checker like您应该处理 null 值我建议添加一个 null 值检查器,例如

if (result.data().isEmpty)


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